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人体冷冻学还处于初始阶段。Cryonics is still in its youth.

所以,一个冷冻复苏合同对生存保障来说仍然远远不够。So, a cryonics contract is far short of a survival guarantee.

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我当初到底是怎么想的——竟然挑了一个人体冷冻术这样…What was I thinking of, picking a wacky subject like cryonics?

按照今天的医学定义,是的,但是根据人体冷冻学。Under today's medical definition, yes. But the definition of cryonics.

但是一个被称作人体冷冻学的新领域将会让某些人死而复生。But a pioneering field called cryonics could give some people two lives.

在死于肺癌之后他的身体被最新的人体冷冻技术封藏。After dying of Lung Cancer his body was frozen using the new science of Cryonics.

我当初到底是怎么想话题到底平常的——竟然挑了一个人体冷冻术这样的古怪话题?What was I thinking of program normal topic, picking a wacky subject like cryonics?

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对于像保罗·加菲尔德这样的人来说,人体冷冻也许永远不会灵验这一事实并不能成为放弃试验的理由。For people like Paul Garfield, the fact that cryonics may never work is no reason for not trying.

因为人体冷冻法是一个全新领域的研究,迪斯尼冷冻自己的要求成为了一个都市神话。While cryonics is a genuine field of research, the claim that Disney went in for it is an urban myth.

人体冷冻学出现到今天,我们仍然不能复苏那些冷冻保存的人。For cryonics to work today, it is not necessary that we can currently reanimate cryo-preserved patients.

许多专家相信,成熟阶段的分子纳米技术将能够复苏冷冻承受者。Many experts in molecular nanotechnology believe that in its mature stage nanotechnology will enable the revival of cryonics patients.

他们的发现给人体冷冻的研究和发展带来了新的希望。该研究正在努力寻找将人体保存起来的方法,以便将来复活。Their discovery gave new hope to the cryonics movement, which is trying to find ways to preserve human beings so they can be revived in the future.

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到医疗技术条件允许的时候,被保存在美国密歇根人体冷冻学院的获奖者将被复苏过来继续生活。If and when the medical technology allows, the winner, preserved at The Cryonics Institute of Michigan in the United States, will be revived to continue their life.

从这个角度来看,注册冷冻复苏,通常能使你成为你生命保险的受益者,看起来更像是一个合理的保险方法。Seen in this light, signing up for cryonics , which is usually done by making a cryonics firm one of the beneficiaries of your life insurance, can look like a reasonable insurance policy.