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焚化我的记忆,祭奠你犹存的美丽。Incineration of my memory, marking you dwells beauty.

焚化当然不可能避免掩埋。Incineration cannot , of course , eliminate landfilling.

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焚烧或裂解以回收溴或氢溴酸。Incineration of pyrolysis with recovery of bromine or hydrobromic acid.

麻醉用的一次性材料应丢弃于灰色焚化箱。Anesthetic disposable supplies are to be discarded in gray incineration bins.

国内、外用焚烧法处理垃圾,均没能彻底解决防止污染的技术问题。The incineration treatment method used abroad can completely solve the problems.

在适当的焚烧装置中焚烧,考虑当地管理法规。Incinerate in suitable incineration plant, observing local authority regulations.

二恶英是一些工业过程和废物焚化的有害副产品。Dioxins are unwanted byproducts of some industrial processes and waste incineration.

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重金属是城市生活垃圾焚烧处理产生的一类重要二次污染物。Heavy metal is a secondary pollutant from municipal solid waste incineration system.

垃圾电厂是一种新兴的发电形式。The refuse incineration power plant is a kind of new developing power generating form.

热值是焚烧工艺、设备设计的重要参数。Calorific value is the important parameter for incineration process and equipment design.

现有技术已具备废物焚烧低排放控制能力。Technology is available that allows for controlled waste incineration with low emissions.

所有器械、被单、垃圾和织物均应放入灰色焚化箱。All the instruments, drapes, trash and linens will be placed in the gray incineration bins.

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燃烧垃圾锅炉是垃圾热电站的关键设备。Rufuse incineration boiler is the key equipment of refuse incineration thermal power station.

产品的回收处理策略包括再利用、再制造、再循环和焚烧。The recovery options are a combination of reusing , remanufacturing, recycling and incineration.

本文介绍了多用途放射性废物焚烧系统的工艺流程。This paper introduces the technological process of a multi purpose radwaste incineration system.

本文介绍了燃烧垃圾热电站的组成和工作过程。This paper introduces the structure and work process of refuse incineration thermal power station.

高灰化温度降低了背景吸收,消除了基体干扰。At high incineration temperature, background absorption is reduced, and interference is eliminated.

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政府没有站出来对垃圾焚烧给出定论,垃圾焚烧发电到底是好是坏?The government hasn't stood up and spoken about garbage incineration. Is waste-to-power good or bad?

几乎没有工厂采用清除器对油脂进行分别处置,或采用焚化进行处置的措施。Very few plants have provisions for the separate disposal of grease to scavengers or by incineration.

垃圾焚烧是实现垃圾无害化、减量化和资源化的有效方法。Rubbish incineration is an effective way to realize harmlessness , reduction and resource utilization.