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他非常强调投资多样化He really emphasized diversification.

稀释-或许它拥有太多的多样化。It's possible to have too much diversification.

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但它的核心出发点──多元化又怎样呢?But what about its core premise -- diversification?

公司多角化战略的形成始于决策。Business diversification strategy begins with decision.

这就是投资分散化的基本原则。That's the basic principle of portfolio diversification.

该研讨会讨论的是农业多种经营。The seminar was to discuss diversification of agriculture.

斗转星移,人类社会纷纭复杂、充满变数。The human society is full of complexity and diversification.

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教育的方式要向启发式、多样化转变。The method of education should be heuristic and diversification.

大力实施以质取胜和出口市场多元化战略。To implement quality and export market diversification strategy.

导致复合锂基润滑脂制备工艺的多样化。Lithium complex grease caused the diversification of preparation.

因此,分析戴望舒诗歌外来影响的多元性是必要的。So it's very necessary to analyse the diversification of foreign effects.

第三章对多角化战略理论作了深入的研究。In Chapter Three, the theories of diversification strategy are lucubrated.

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事实上,哈里·马科维茨,就把分散投资喻为"免费的午餐"As a matter of fact, Harry Markowitz called diversification a "Free lunch."

我想谈谈,证券业多元化和共同基金I want to say one more thing about the diversification and the mutual fund.

这种差距会让你怀疑,分散投资是否有意义It almost makes you wonder whether this diversification thing makes any sense.

然而,博茨瓦纳的多元化战略受到了能源危机的影响。However, Botswana’s diversification strategy is threatened by an energy crisis.

再之后我会讲讲投资组合的多元化,和辅助的金融机构Then I will move to portfolio diversification and supporting financial institutions.

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攻击者的技术和手段越来越多样化和高明化。The technique and methods of attacker are more and more diversification and delicate.

两个原则,长期投资中的股权偏好,以及分散投资Two tenets, an equity bias for portfolios with a long time horizon and diversification.

日本纺织企业的多角化经营表现出明显的路径依赖特征。Diversification of Japanese textile enterprises shows the path-dependent characteristic.