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一位叫做阿吉尔的雷蒙德的法国十字军这样写道。French crusader called Raymond of Agiles left this account.

一名十字军首领曾许诺给予他们保护。A crusader leader had promised them protection. He meant it.

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一位叫做阿吉尔的雷蒙德的法国十字军这样写道。A French crusader called Raymond of Agiles left this account.

公元1099年十字军的戈弗雷布永城市采取了由穆斯林。AD 1099 crusader Godfrey of Bouillon took the city from Moslems.

十字军打击,5,圣骑,瞬发技能-惩戒天赋。Crusader Strike, 5, Paladin, Instant Ability—Retribution Talent.

很多圣战者害怕犹太教和基督教之间的十字军联盟。Many jihadis fear the Crusader alliance between Jews and Christians.

横穿的棒表示了在十字军战争的骑士们的勇敢。Across the bar said that the war in the Crusader knights of the brave.

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爱尔兰在十字军之王2里被称为教程岛。Ireland in Crusader Kings II is known as tutorial island, as an entire game in itself.

真正的“披斗篷的斗士“要迟到时,会打电话通知,他正义军团的伙伴的。我步行来的。The real Caped Crusader calls his crime-fighting cohorts when he's running late. I had to walk.

在即将到来的3.2.2版本中,我们打算在达拉然的凯旋纹章商人中加入“十字军宝珠”,售价为15枚凯旋纹章。In the upcoming patch 3.2.2 we plan to make Crusader Orbs purchasable for 15 Emblems of Triumph.

她补充说,她亲密的朋友对她作为一个假的基督教十字军有复杂的感情。She added that her close friends had mixed feelings about her second life as a faux Christian crusader.

一系列数据表明,玛塔伊是一个著名的社会积极分子和环境改革者。A towering figure in Kenya, Maathai was renowned as a fearless social activist and an environmental crusader.

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汽车绕着山转,不断向上爬升到达卡拉.切弗利尓的十字军城堡。And so we purred round the hillside, climbing ever upwards towards the crusader castle of Krak de Chevaliers.

与此同时,也存在着诸如倡导反税改革的前州参议员莎伦?安格尔等竞争者。There are other contenders , such as Sharron Angle , formerly in the state assembly and an anti- tax crusader.

而事实是,理查德他自己在领导十字军东征的繁忙一生中,仅仅在英格兰停留了6个月。In fact, Richard himself only spent about 6 months in England as he was so busy traveling on crusader business.

早在1842年,一位名叫罗伯特·哈特利的戒酒斗士就警告说,纽约市的牛奶被灾难性地污染了。As early as 1842, a temperance crusader named Robert Hartley warned that city milk was catastrophically tainted.

重获自由后他马上返回马利步的斯塔克秘密地改良他的设计,使自己成为一个和平主义改革者。Once free and back in Malibu, Stark secretly refines his design, turning himself into a more peace-minded crusader.

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斯达克一获得自由回到马利布后,就秘密地改良了他的设计,将自己变成了一个维护和平的十字军战士。Once free and back in Malibu, Stark secretly refines his design, turning himself into a more peace -minded crusader.

早在1842年,一个名为戒酒十字军战士罗伯特哈特利警告说,城市牛奶可能是灾难性的污染。As early as 1842, a temperance crusader named Robert Hartley warned that city milk could be catastrophically tainted.

十字军打击、神圣震击和公正之锤不再会因为一个未击中的攻击而错误地给予圣能。Crusader Strike, Holy Shock, and Hammer of the Righteous no longer incorrectly grant Holy Power from a missed attack.