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你应该早点儿去。You oughta go earlier.

我起得比你早。I get up earlier than you.

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蚂蚁更早来品花。The ants taste it earlier.

哎,明天早点儿来啊!Hey, come earlier tomorrow!

从早期的CM7升级?Upgrading from earlier CM7?

我们提前一小时见号吗?Can we meet an hour earlier?

他应早一点来。He Should have come earlier.

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我已事先做好一份计划表。R I made a schedule earlier.

我起床比你起得早!I get up earlier than you do.

她比他成熟得早。She matured earlier than him.

任性的小孩──早点上床睡觉。Cranky kid -- earlier bedtime.

已经不早了,今天到这吧!Has not earlier today to this!

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他到得比往常早。He arrived earlier than usual.

假如要让我早一点来,我可以来早一点。I could come earlier if asked.

我设法早点儿到。I'll try to get there earlier.

咱本来挺满足的,能少出点总是好的。Is it good to take it earlier?

我们原期待你早点来。We were expecting you earlier.

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你为什么不早点儿来呢?Why not come a little earlier?

拍卖物品目录早在几天前就已售罄。Catalogs sold out days earlier.

我之前应该告诉你的。I should have told you earlier.