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我们也需要海绵国家来吸收中国的扩张主义。We also need sponge-countries to absorbChinese expansionism.

卡塞尔仍然是欧洲浣熊扩散的主要城市。Kassel remains the capital city of raccoon expansionism in Europe.

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中国在存争议的海域建学校,他们的头儿说扩张主义并不存在于中国的基因里。And their cl*n honcho has the gall to say the expansionism is not in China's DNA.

中国在历史上从未实行过侵略和扩张主义的政策。China has never taken the policy of invasion and expansionism throughout the history.

然而,最令人担忧的也许是中国在非洲扩张和干涉的迹象。Perhaps most worrying, however, is the evidence of Chinese expansionism and interference in Africa.

凯恩斯主义的实质是需求不足理论和扩张性财政政策主张。The substance of Keynesia doctrine is that demand is below theoretical and expansionism financial policy view.

文章主要讨论西奥多·罗斯福的扩张主义思想与现实的对华政策之间的关系。The essay mainly focuses on the relationship between Theodore Roosevelt's expansionism and realistic China policy.

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围绕“日常生活审美化”这一美学现象,学术界形成了“泛化”论和“异化”论两种截然对立的立场。As for the aestheticization of everyday life, two opposite standpoints expansionism and alienationism have been arisen in academe.

众所周知这个重要的解决方案,给科学技术和扩张主义带来了前所未有的和无法预计的影响。Known as the Great Solution, this leap forward in scientific understanding spawned unforeseen advances in technology and expansionism.

感谢中国领导人使国家富强,独立,自主!面对美国空前的霸权和扩张主义来说,这尤为重要。Thank you Chinese leaders for keeping China a strong, independent and sovereign nation! It is critical in the face of unprecedented usa expansionism and hegemony.

乌克兰革命,尤其是诸如波兰这类欧盟新成员对乌克兰民主党人的支持,激起了俄国对欧盟扩张主义的恐惧。The Ukrainian revolution, and especially the role played by new members such as the Poles in supporting Ukraine's democrats, has stoked Russia fears of EU expansionism.

但冷战策略显然不符合需要,这种策略的基础是为了阻止或在必要时挫败苏联的扩张主义而在全球范围内构建一系列军事同盟。But what is called for is emphatically not the cold-war strategy based on a global chain of military alliances aimed at deterring or, if necessary, defeating Soviet expansionism.

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不像另外两个人,甘地并没有简单地将西方帝国主义者孤立起来,抑或指责帝国主义对在亚洲和非洲的扩张所需的新市场和资源无尽的渴求。Unlike them, Gandhi didn’t just single out Western imperialists, or blame capitalism’s unquenchable thirst for new markets and resources for European expansionism in Asia and Africa.

外务部的建立在反映资本主义列强扩张要求的同时,也在相当程度上满足了清政府改革求变的愿望。The establishment of The Foreign Ministry not only reflects the expansionism of capitalist country, but also satisfies the requirement that Qing government wants to change by reformation.

近代日本的中国语教育主要是作为日本对外侵略扩张的工具,同远东政治格局紧密相连。Thus, the Chinese language teaching in Japan in the early modern times was mainly used as a tool of its foreign expansionism and closely related to the political situation of the Far-East.

尼克松总统1972年受基辛格之邀紧随其后,开始了”改变世界的一周”,中美开始联手对抗苏联的扩张。President Richard Nixon'sown trip in 1972, which had been initiated by Mr Kissinger, was indeed a "week that changed the world", as China and America ganged up to deter Soviet expansionism.

日本则表示钓鱼岛没有主权划分,尽管在二次大战后日本同意归还所有在战争期间侵占的领土,但是钓鱼岛不属于侵占的领土。Japan says the islands were not effectively controlled by anyone and were not part of agreements at the end of the war to strip Japan of territory acquired during its period of expansionism.

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在基辛格的首访之后,第二年,尼克松总统踏上了中国之旅,成就了“改变世界的一周”,因为中美两国由此联手遏制苏联扩张。President Richard Nixon’s own trip in 1972, which had been initiated by Mr Kissinger, was indeed a “week that changed the world”, as China and America ganged up to deter Soviet expansionism.