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你看起来非常聪明。You see very natty.

这位穿着一向讲究的前总统,此次也没有让自己的品味降低。Always a natty dresser, his standards in court never slip.

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精明的如玉如何能看不出来?Is natty of such as how can the jade can not see apparently?

他转身回到一件整洁利落的牧人、说谎仍然在绿色的地面上。He turned back into a natty shepherd, lying still on the green ground.

列举多个算例,对这些算例进行比较表明,所提出的整数规划算法非常有效。The integer programming algorithm in this paper is proved very efficient natty examples.

在他们那潇洒敏捷的外表里面,涌动着返祖性的原始冲动。Beneath their chic and natty appearances they respond to atavistic and primitive impulses.

罩衫外是一件整洁利落的夹克衫,袖子只到肘部,袖子下面她戴着一副仿小羊皮的手套。Over the shirtwaist was a natty jacket, elbow-sleeved, and to the elbows she wore gloves of imitation suede.

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名牌服饰店的兴起,使得爱美人士有了衣物交流管道。The rise of "secondhand" famous brandname clothes shops has provided natty dressers with a channel for exchange.

在那个村庄,布雷维克因其整洁时髦的着装、彬彬有礼的举止并且缺乏务农知识而引起注意。In the village, Mr. Breivik caught the attention of locals for his natty attire, formal ways and lack of farming knowledge.

光秃秃的舞台上只有两三本书,书上有大量的注解,詹德斯象一名热切的小学生,穿着整齐的西装、充满魅力,但也紧张不安。On a bare stage with a couple of heavily annotated books, Mr Sands is like an eager pupil in a natty suit, charismatic yet nervous.

就如同把螃蟹放到凉水里,“炒楼投机商”正在被慢火轻炖着,不过聪明的玩家还是有时间逃离这个缓慢升温的“螃蟹火锅”的!Like crabs in cold water, property speculators are obtaining cooked, cheap ralph lauren polo shirts, but the natty ones still have period to escape the slow hot-pot dispose.

阿狗说零售商仅仅通过让雇员梳洗穿戴整洁就可以使得它们的普通商品的销售区域显得更加的整洁。Argo says that retailers can still get more appearance connected sales mileage from their average-looking stuff just by making sure the employees stay well-groomed to give a natty appearance.