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他的投球在大联盟的击球员中是个传奇。His pitching was a legend among major league hitters.

飞机令人晕眩地向左倾斜。The plane is pitching to the left in a sickening way.

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在失分退场后,帮主和投手教练古大叔交谈了一下。After the loss, Wang met with pitching coach Ron Guidry.

1991年,在发布会上推广NeXT的ata计算机。Pitching NeXT’s machines ata computer conference in 1991.

穿过深深的草丛,狗向他们窜跑过来。The dog come pitching foward them through the high grass.

约翰认为他们没有一个充足的铺地石名册。John doesn't think they have a deep enough pitching roster.

船舶在狂涛中簸荡。The ship was rolling and pitching heavily in the rough sea.

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他被重重地击了一下,禁不住向前倒去。He was hit so bitterly that he could not help pitching forward.

投手教练古伯伯在去年夏年又把那种球路还给了小王。Pitching coach Ron Guidry gave Wang the pitch back last summer.

他们决定征选新人,来增强棒球队的投手群。They decided to beef up the baseball pitching by getting new men.

两个月前雷曼同一家私募公司展开了一桩交易。Lehman began pitching a deal to private-equity firms two months ago.

毕竟,谁又想让自己的最大竞争对手兵临城下呢?After all, who wants your biggest rival pitching up on your doorstep?

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巨人队的外场手亚伦·罗万德称他们的投手起了关键作用。Giants outfielder Aaron Rowand says their pitching made the difference.

老人由于头重重地摔了一下,失去了知觉。The old man has lost his consciousness because of pitching on his head.

俯仰运动变成一个摆动和俯仰运动的组合。A pitching movement turns into a combined rolling and pitching movement.

船在风大浪急的海面上颠簸,伴随着每一次波浪旋转倾斜。The ship surged in the stormy seas, rolling and pitching with each wave.

这艘船在暴风雨的海面上起伏不定,每一卷海浪滚动的投郑过来。The ship surged in the stormy seas , rolling and pitching with each wave.

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得到答案后,他才回到主题,继续推销其酷酷的公司。With that out of the way, he went back to pitching his very cool company.

实用派和理论派似乎在首都扎营对垒了。Pragmatists and ideologues seem to be pitching rival camps in the capital.

他们决定征选新人,来增强棒球队的投手群。Eg. They decided to beef up the baseball pitching staff by getting new men.