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拜唐苹为何被批准用于糖尿病前期的治疗?Why has Glucobay been approved for the use in prediabetes?

你的葡萄糖耐量减低,也可以说你患有前驱糖尿病。You have impaired glucose tolerance, also called prediabetes.

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为了确诊你是否罹患糖尿病或是前驱糖尿病,常会用到两种血液检查。Two blood tests are commonly used to determine if you have diabetes or prediabetes.

目的观察营养干预对糖尿病前期患者的效果。Objective To observe the effect of nutritional intervention in prediabetes patients.

对肥胖和超重的人们而言,其前驱糖尿病转化为糖尿病的风险更高。Obese and overweight people are at high risk of having prediabetes turn into diabetes.

据CDC估计,有多达5700万年龄在20岁及以上的美国人患有前驱糖尿病。The CDC estimates that as many as 57 million Americans aged 20 or older have prediabetes.

因此,我们的研究提示心肌梗死可能是前期糖尿病的等危症。Thus, our results indicate that myocardial infarction could be a prediabetes risk equivalent.

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结果糖尿病前期患者血糖数值下降明显。Results The blood sugar numerical value of patients in prediabetes status decreased obviously.

有些专家认为“前驱糖尿病”应该被称作完全糖尿病,以便引起患者的重视。Some experts think ' prediabetes ' should be dubbed full diabetes so that patients pay attention sooner.

前驱糖尿病患者是指那些血糖虽高于正常值却仍未达到糖尿病诊断标准的人们。People with prediabetes have glucose levels that are higher than normal but not high enough yet to indicate diabetes.

目前,拜唐苹已经在全球27个国家被批准用于糖尿病前期的治疗,其中中国于2002年获批。Glucobay is approved for prediabetes in 27 markets, among them China where it is indicated for prediabetes since 2002.

大部分前驱糖尿病患者都没有明显症状,但他们被认为有极高的心脏病发病风险。Most people with prediabetes don't have symptoms, but they are considered to be at high risk of developing heart disease.

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改变生活方式或必要的药物治疗可以延缓或预防糖尿病前驱病人发展为二型糖尿病。Development of type 2 diabetes in patients with prediabetes can be delayed or prevented with lifestyle changes and if required, medication.

健康膳食一般是由低脂肪蛋白质、蔬菜和全谷食品均衡混合而成,它有助于预防前驱糖尿病转化成为真正的糖尿病。Healthy meals that mix a balance of low-fat protein, vegetables, and whole grains can help prevent prediabetes from becoming real diabetes.

委员会还呼吁开展进一步研究,找出哪些糖尿病前期病人风险最高,研究治疗糖尿病前期的药物。The committee also called for further research to find out which prediabetes patients are at the highest risk, and to study drug treatment for prediabetes.

对糖尿病前期患者运用中医辨证论治的原则进行早期干预意义重大。It is of highly significance to take early intervention in prediabetes employing the TCM principle of treatment determination based on syndrome differentiation.

心脏代谢风险轮廓和颈动脉粥样硬化与空腹血糖,发现糖尿病前期个体餐后血糖、糖化血红蛋白标准和。Cardiometabolic risk profiles and carotid atherosclerosis in individuals with prediabetes identified by fasting glucose, postchallenge glucose, and hemoglobin A1c criteria.