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可是蹄铁匠问我什么来着?But what was it the farrier asked me?

为马钉蹄铁的人叫做蹄铁匠。A man who shoes horses is called a farrier.

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隔天简·法瑞尔来到店里买下了这顶帽子。Jane Farrier came into the shop next day and bought it.

如果你询问你的法里尔对让你的马去赤脚?Should You Ask Your Farrier About Letting Your Horse Go Barefoot?

日常蹄子检查和大部分蹄铁匠的工作通常是马被拴住的情况下进行的。Your daily hoof checks and most farrier work are usually performed in a horse that is tied.

你告诉我这跟简·法瑞尔遇见伯爵时戴的那顶帽子完全一样,你撒谎!You told me this was the same as the bonnet Jane Farrier was wearing when she met the Count.

在修蹄之前,或是你需要马匹放松的时候这都是一个好办法。It is great before the farrier starts working with them or any time you want them to relax a bit.

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他的父亲詹姆士做过包括蹄铁工和糖果制造在内的各种工作,家里经常搬家。His father, James, held a variety of jobs, from farrier to candy maker, and the family moved often.

孩子们兴致勃勃,伸手触摸到世上最为柔软的皮肤—马的鼻子,而后观看一位蹄铁匠给马钉掌。The kid reached out and touched the softest skin on earth, a horse's nose, then watched a farrier nail a horseshoe.

卡特瑞克伯爵接到国王的命令搜寻亲王,正是他遇到简·法瑞尔的前后。The Count of Catterack had been sent by the King to look for the Prince, when he happened to meet Jane Farrier instead.

4月15日,伦敦,克里斯﹒麦凯布马队的法里尔﹒兰斯下士在海德公园的锻造车间焊接马蹄铁。Farrier Lance Corporal of Horse Chris McCabe welds a horseshoe in the forge at Hyde Park Barracks in London on April 15.

说话的人悄声的说。然后声音又变大了,说珍法丽儿那个发型简直是丢脸丢到家了!Said the whispers, and then became voices again to say that Jane Farrier was a perfect disgrace the way she did her hair.

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如果你在一个开放的地方牵马而且蹄铁匠正在钉前蹄的时候,站在马的另外一边。If you are holding the horse out in the open and the farrier is working on a front leg, stand on the opposite side of the horse.

打电话叫钉马掌师在比赛前十天或两星期前钉马掌,以便马有时间适应新马掌。Call the farrier and have your horse shod about ten days to two week before the show so that he will have time to adjust to his shoes.

当你在一个开放的区域牵着马而且蹄铁匠已经准备好抬起马的后蹄时,马或许会试着要向旁边移动。When the farrier is getting ready to pick up a hind foot and you are holding the horse out in the open, the horse may try to move sideways.

马蹄应该每六周请蹄铁匠修整一下。这样在需要钉蹄铁的时候很可能会减少问题。The hooves should be regularly trimmed every six weeks by the farrier. This will probably minimize problems when fitting shoes becomes necessary.

当蹄铁匠正在钉后蹄而马正沿着栏杆或是墙壁的时候,不要让马回头看蹄铁匠正在干什么。When the farrier is working on a hind leg and the horse is along a rail or wall, keep the horse from turning around to look at what the farrier is doing.

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然后,在五月节的前一星期,有人进来订购一顶珍法丽儿和卡特拉克男爵私奔时戴的那种打有蘑菇色褶子的帽子。Then, the week before May Day, someone came in and asked for one with mushroom pleats like the one Jane Farrier had been wearing when she ran off with the Count of Catterack.

尽管我们的马医努力尽快修剪马后蹄的大部分,还是需要很长的时间和专业的修剪才能让它的马蹄重新变成正常的样子。Although our expert farrier managed to trim the vast majority of hoof back quite quickly, it will take a long time and specialist trimming for his hooves to become the right shape again.