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不要说他们可爱。Don't say they're lovable.

在他看来,她的脸非常可爱。How very lovable her face was to him.

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他们不愧是当今“最可爱的人”。They are worthily now the most lovable person.

在我家的那张木床上,有一只可爱的玩具。On my family's that wooden bed, has a lovable toy.

我还在睡梦中见到你可爱的倩影。I also see your lovable beautiful figure in the sleep.

他们到底是可爱的流氓还是人权的捍卫者?Are journalists lovable rogues or human-rights crusaders?

我喜欢不速之客,不过当然得是可爱的才行。I love intruders,but they must be lovable ones,of course.

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我们将从中挑选出品种最优良、模样最可爱的狗儿。We’d search out the best, most lovable pooch we could find.

每段回忆都是惹人爱的因为带来无尽的纪念。Memories Are Lovable As Yielding Sweet Infinite Anniversary.

他们的可爱处是诚实可靠。Their most lovable traits are their honesty and reliability.

但是讨人喜欢的途径是做能够让别人爱你的事情。But the way to be lovable is to do lovable things, ” he adds.

金凯瑞挑战可爱疯子的喜剧刻版印象。Mr. Carrey defies the comic archetype of the lovable lunatic.

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他这个人最可爱和最可恨的一点都是他的守时。The most lovable and hateful thing in him is his punctuality.

她把小福子看成个最可爱,最可羡慕,也值得嫉妒的人。Tigress considered her the most lovable and enviable of people.

如果你想要被爱,你必须学会去爱别人,变得讨人喜爱。If you want to be loved, you should learn to love and be lovable.

我们还去了动物园,那里有很多可爱的小动物,我十分喜欢他们。Our also zoo , there had the lovable micro-organism , I like them.

可爱的高踢腿熊猫在续集里必须跟新的邪恶作斗争。The lovable high kicking Panda must battle a new evil in the sequel.

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当我坠入情网时,我才第一次发现我是会被人爱上的。When I fell in love, I realised for the first time that I was lovable.

哪年,哪月,才能够回到我那可爱的故乡?Which year, which month, only then can return to I that lovable hometown?

2008年北京残奥会吉祥物是一个可爱的小牛形象名为“福牛乐乐”。Beijing 2008 Paralympic Mascots is a lovable calf named "Lucky Calf Lele".