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我们都有资格。All of us qualify.

但首先他必须取得参赛资格。But he has to qualify first. The U.

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年满十八岁者有选举权。Eighteen-year-olds qualify to vote.

他的技能使他能担当这项工作。His skills qualify him for the work.

大部分人还要再练几年才能胜任。Most need several more years to qualify.

描述和量化商业目标。Qualify and quantify the business goals.

副词通常用来修饰动词。Adverbs are always used to qualify verbs.

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会员资格费为每年人民币100元。RMB100 annually to qualify for membership.

这个学位将使你有资格当教师。This degree will qualify you for teaching.

特别适合日晒后的皮肤。After especially qualify solarization skin.

我符合留英奖学金的资格吗?Do I qualify for the scholarship to England?

很少有人有资格说有精神或宗教的信仰。We barely qualify as spiritual or religious.

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我们可以在你们饭店享受团体优惠价。We qualify for a corporate rate at your hotel.

另外两个队将于明天挑战获奖资格。Two other teams have until tomorrow to qualify.

那是一种光华四散的魔法,难以言状。It is an irradiating magic difficult to qualify.

你已经有资格以以下方式请求赎款。You qualify for the following redemption offers.

形容词修饰名词,副词修饰动词。Adjectives qualify nouns white adverbs qualify verbs.

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这算的上是一个超级规模的数据中心了。“This would qualify as a big-a data center, ” he said.

要搜集到足够的实据,这样才能够评估机会的好坏。Gather enough facts so you can qualify the opportunity.

方便经商的移民改革即是可能性之一。Business-friendly immigration reform might just qualify.