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RDA战士们暴露于野兽和有毒植物面前。RDA soldiers are exposed to animals’ and exotic plants’ attacks.

当超剂量服用时为X类,也就是最危险的一类。The risk category will be X only if used in doses above the RDA.

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在AACR2和对应的RDA规则之间也有链接。They also include links between the AACR2 rules andcorresponding RDA rules.

能流循环指数为0.096,显著高于稻鸭共作系统和常规稻作系统。Energy circulation index in RDA is 0.096, significantly higher than in RD and CK.

他们还提到的功能就是,我们能在RDA工具包里检索到用户创建的内容。Also mentioned was the ability for user generated content to beaccessible in the RDA Toolkit.

RDA工具包是一个基于网络的文件集,这些文件用非常流畅的方式集合到一起。The RDA Toolkit is a web-based collection of documents, and it’sbeen put together in a pretty slick manner.

若你归属RDA这一边,将无法使用任何近攻武器,而只能打射击战。If you go the way of the RDA instead, you won't wield any melee weapons and will instead shoot your way to victory.

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用药前后肾小球滤过率和肾素活性均无显著性差异。No significant changes were observed in glomerular filtration rate and rennin activity after administration of RDA.

梅恩主张,除了可能的维生素D之外,不需要摄入比RDA要求更多的维生素。With the possible exception of vitamin D, there is no need to consume more than the RDA of vitamins, Mayne contends.

我们完全知道图书馆界的许多人都在密切关注OCLC就RDA做了什么。We are well aware that many in the library community are paying close attention to what OCLC does with respect to RDA.

感谢所有参加了这两次会,告诉我们他的想法和兴趣的人。Thanks to the many individuals who joined us for the two webinars and told us what they think and want to know about RDA.

免费试用期结束,你还会有一个30天的试用期,让你可以测试使用RDA,决定是否购买许可证。After the open access period, you will be able to get a 30-dayfree trial to test the RDA Toolkit before purchasing a license.

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他们的想法是这样的,如果你知道AACR2中提到某个特定的规则,你可以查看AACR2,然后再交叉链接到RDA中来。The ideamay be that if you know where a rule is specified in AACR2, you canlook it up and it will cross link to the RDA rule.

例如,一些研究表明,最佳水平的维生素C大约是1200至2000年每日毫克,而供给量标准只有60毫克。For example, some studies show that the optimal level of vitamin C is approximately 1200 to 2000 mg daily, while the RDA is only 60 mg.

本文介绍了RDA名称的由来,它的战略目标、结构与目前的进展情况,并简述从AACR2到RDA的主要变化。This article introduces the origin of RDA s name, its strategic target and structure, and its progresses, as well as the main changes from AACR2 to RDA.

基于FRBR和FRAD的概念模型,RDA是作为AACR2的革命性版本出现的,它采用了新的方法和视角来组织资源。Based on conceptual models of FRBR and FRAD, RDA has adopted a new approach and perspective to organize resources, and forms a revolutionary version of AACR2.

浙江城市居民的DDP评分为98.7分,营养素摄入均达中国RDA的90%以上,故推荐"浙江模式"以供其他省借鉴。The DDP score of urban population of Zhejiang in 1992 was 98.7, the best in the 7 provinces and the nutrients intake reached over 90 percent of the Chinese RDA.

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本文通过对高压形成机理的认识,研制出适用的注水减阻剂,并在现场应用,取得了良好的效果。Based on the understanding of the formation mechanism of high pressure and water injection development for DRA, it achieved good results in the application of RDA.

然而,这种免费的直指目标功能在PC机上不好使,所以不要轻易俯首,你会因此很难分辩藏匿在丛林深处的敌人。However, the snap-to targeting on the console versions has been ditched on the PC, so bows are not much fun to use because it can be tough to spot camouflaged RDA foes amid all the green.

自DDRT-PCR技术建立以来,一系列基于PCR的基因差异表达分析技术,如SAGE、SSH、RDA和DNA微阵列等相继发展起来,为分析和克隆差异表达的基因提供了更为快速、灵敏的工具。Since the DDRT was invented in1992, a series of analysis techniques based on PCR for gene differential expression, such as SAGE, SSH, RDA and DNA microarray, were developed in succession.