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第一个是积分的对象,称为积分要素。One is whatever you integral is called the integrant.

科学道德情感是生物医学科学研究工作中的重要内容。Scientific moral is an import integrant of bio-medicine research.

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故“德”亦为中华民族哲学的核心之一。So "De" is also an important integrant of the Chinese philosophy.

数据库是开发大、中型软件系统必须的组成部分。Database is the integrant part of the large-scale software systems.

提升执行力是干部作风建设的题中应有之义。Promoting execution is an integrant part of cadres' style building.

高等职业教育已成为我国高等教育的重要组成部分。Higher vocational education is an important integrant of Chinese higher education.

标点符号是现代书面语中不可缺少的衔接和连贯标志。Punctuation marks are an integrant sign of cohesion and coherence in modern writing.

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以客属为代表的客家文化是中华文化的重要组成部分。The Hakkas Culture that take the Hakkas as delegation is important integrant of China's culture.

投资是企业发展生产、提升企业核心竞争力的必经之路。The investment is the integrant way of the enterprises'development and enhancing the core competition.

不管我们的原因可能是什么,一般来说,这样做都能简化我们的积分或是积分限。Anyway, so, whatever the reason might be typically it would be to simplify the integrant or the bounds.

其次,建立正确的评价标准,重新评估我国服务业的国际竞争力,并制定正确的市场准入策略。Secondly, reevaluate the service industry in China to find out which is preponderant and which is integrant.

从社会资本的构成要素入手研究产业集群的形成和发展是当代产业集群研究的一个新的视角。It is a new view to study the formation and development of industrial cluster from analyzing the integrant parts of social capital.

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道路绿化是城市绿地系统的组成部分,其植物景观设计是“生态健全城市”的主要工作之一。Road greening is an integrant of city green space system and its plant design is part of the efforts to build an ecologically perfect city.

作为未来理想社会和人的自由全面发展的基本条件,社会公平是马克思主义题中应有之义。As the basic principle of future ideal society and human beings' free all-round development, social justice is an integrant part of Marxism.

秦汉神仙方士文化是孕育早期道教产生的重要文化要素。The culture of supernatural being and alchemist in Qin and Han Dynasties is an important cultural integrant being pregnant with early Taoism.

旅游合同是旅游法的重要组成部分,也是规范迅速发展的旅游业的重要法律制度。The tourism contract is an important integrant of tourism law, and is also an important legal system to standard the rapidly developing tourism.

产品的包装装潢美是科学技术美学、生产美学和商品美学的一个重要组成部分。The beauty of package decoration is an important integrant of scientific and technologic aesthetics, production aesthetics and commodity aesthetics.

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北京胡同中居民的住宅叫四合院。“四合院”是东西南北四个方向都有房子组成的建筑单元。Folk House in Peking bystreet was what used to be called quadrangle, which is an integrant building constituented with four points of compass houses.

在石油勘探日益变的困难,费用日趋昂贵的今天,应用新的理论和方法来定量评价油气资源已成为石油勘探工作中一个不可缺少的组成部分。Because it is more difficult and costly to reconnoiter today, the application of new theory and method to evaluate oil-gas resource has become integrant.

因此,研究网络营销与产品设计的交叉融合成为了一个必须的课题。For this reason, it has become an integrant subject that research about the inosculation and intersection of the distribution activity and design of the product.