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我显得跟傻冒似的。I looked ludicrous.

这简直荒唐。This was ludicrous.

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这种说法当然很荒唐。The argument is, of course, ludicrous.

然而,我觉得这非常的可笑。however, I find this pretty ludicrous.

在我看来,这种过度反应很滑稽。Seems like a ludicrous overreaction to me.

Pakaluk最后的论点是最荒唐无稽的。Pakaluk’s final argument is the most ludicrous.

广岛爱珍珠港!滑天下之大稽。Hiroshima loves Pearl Harbor. Ludicrous at best.

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而我创造的只是个滑稽可笑的泥球。It was ludicrous to think that the plan could succeed.

为何他同意这一滑稽的摆摆样子的家族公审呢?Criminal. Why had he agreed to this ludicrous show trial?

继续现有的禁毒战争是荒唐可笑的。Continuing the drugs war with more of the same is ludicrous.

首先,在这样的工厂里提到远大志向是可笑的。First, the mere idea of ambition in the factory was ludicrous.

谈到鸦片战争,严格法律的提发是可笑的。As for the Opium Wars, a strictly legal perspective is ludicrous.

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女老板脱离了荒诞可笑的陈旧观念,越发正常化。Women bosses have escaped ludicrous stereotypes to become normal.

认为这种负担不可承受的说法是荒谬的。It is ludicrous to argue that this would be an insupportable burden.

只把外国人看成腰缠万贯的简单形象是荒谬的。It is ludicrous to imagine that foreigners are just easy marks with fat purses.

巴拉诺夫斯基认为,俄罗斯调查人员所作的戏剧性解释“荒唐可笑”。Baranovsky describes Russian investigators' account of the drama as "ludicrous".

1929年,在摩纳哥公国街道上赛车显得有些滑稽。In 1929, racing cars through the streets of the principality only seemed ludicrous.

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现在,用一种滑稽的方法,把“腌肉”和你家大门的样子形象化地结合起来。Now, in a ludicrous way, visually combine ‘bacon’ with the sight of your front door.

从某种意义上讲,爆米花里的饱和脂肪酸含量是过高的,是不利于健康的。The amount of fat in this popcorn was, in some sense, not rational. It was ludicrous.

预算上限的概念,数年前被认为是相当可笑的。The concept of a budget cap a couple of years ago was thought to be fairly ludicrous.