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一旦是下僚,永远都是一个下僚。Once an underling, always an underling.

教授狡诘地笑着接了一句。The professor smiles sagely at the underling.

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你不再和一些部下打交道了。You are no longer dealing with some underling.

神掌管整个宇宙,撒但只是一个下僚。God rules the universe and Satan is an underling in the scheme of things.

我们必须明确是否存在一些隐藏的自身免疫疾病。We should check the patients if there is any underling autoimmune disease.

可以确定的是,奥斯瓦德有嫌疑杀害他的部下。It was certain that Oswald might have a subconscious desire to injure his underling.

我在智威汤逊广告公司干了26年,从来没有想到给下属端咖啡。In my 26 years at JWT, I would never have thought of bringing coffee to an underling.

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匪思不再是一只用卑微的目光看世界、唯唯诺诺的小狗。Faith was no longer a passive pup watching the world through the eyes of an underling.

正是这类“技术饥饿”的下属最先对云技术产生了兴趣。It was this type of tech-hungry underling who drove the initial interest in the cloud.

每一天,我都设想他会被他愤愤不平的下属一枪结果掉。Any day, I imagine he will be taken out by the single bullet of an aggrieved underling.

本研究采取普查的方法,对该部队的所有下属单位和全体官兵逐个进行调查。The author takes general investigation to all the underling units, officers and soldiers.

建立下属的“职位描述”并根据工作需要及时更新。Compose the Job Description for underling and update it timely according to requirement of work.

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但这种情况是可以避免的,方法是向那位代言人解释,你是在照顾那个有体味下属的感受。This can be avoided by explaining to the messenger that you are saving the feelings of the malodorous underling.

他解释说,他的老板是个蠢蛋,无法面对一个比他聪明许多、也更有魅力的下属。He explained that his boss was a fool who could not cope with having an underling who was far brighter and more charismatic than him.

在他们眼里,伏羲、黄帝与一般贩夫走卒之间并无什差别。In their eyes, there is no difference between the emperors such as Fuxi, Yellow Emperor and the common people such as peddler and underling.

我们的健康参与者有一个对于自身身体基本精确的视觉图像,但是大脑对于手的下属方位感模型却高度失真。Our healthy participants had a basically accurate visual image of their own body, but the brain's model of the hand underling position sense was highly distorted.

青岛地区上伏地层第四系冲洪积平原,地下水埋深也比较浅,下伏地层常为透水较强的砂砾石层。The underling formations are mainly constituted by alluvial-proluvial plain, so the level of groundwater is shallow and the stratums are high hydraulic permeability.

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尽管如此,现实中仍然存在一些机械子行业在技术创新等方面取得了较大进步,因此未来应针对不同子行业实施不同的发展策略。Still there are some small underling industries made big progress in technique. Therefore, we should implement different stratagems according to different underling industries.

历史上,跌宕起伏的接班大戏曾多次上演。1945年,亨利·福特二世首次拉开了大幕。当时,他从神智恍惚的祖父和居心叵测的手下哈里·班尼特手里夺得了公司的控制大权。There have been any number of dramatic transitions, beginning in 1945 when Henry Ford II wrested control of the company from his confused grandfather and his thuggish underling Harry Bennett.