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他知道,大家清楚,锡拉库扎是整个西西里的要害。He knew, you see, that Syracuse was the jugular of the island.

它们会扑倒猎物并咬住咽喉杀死猎物。They run them down and make their kill with a bite to the jugular.

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敞口,颈内收,鼓腹,下有喇叭状圈足。Exposure, internal jugular reap, drum abdomen and bell shape ring foot.

基本上他们把支架放到颈静脉中。Basically what they do is put in a stent into the internal jugular vein.

“眼下,中国的咽喉为美国海军所控制,”他表示。“China's jugular is, at this stage, controlled by the US navy,” he says.

割开她的气管,颈静脉,会厌软骨,舌骨和舌头。Cut through the windpipe the jugular the epiglottis the hyoid the tongue.

枕髁和颈静脉结节的磨除可增加手术视野。The resection of occipital condylar and jugular tuber can increase surgical freedom.

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目的观察颈外静脉留置套管针与四肢留置套管针的差别。Objectives To observe the difference of external jugular trocar and limbs vein trocar.

瘤胃炎,腐蹄病,颈静脉炎,外伤性网胃腹膜炎。Other causes are mastitis, foot rot, jugular phlebitis or traumatic reticulo-peritonitis.

我的丈夫——被医学诊断者——经过测试后发现患有主静脉stenosis。My husband, diagnosed with MS, was tested and shown to have major jugular venous stenosis.

此项技术的应用,在颈部静脉病变诊断中有很大的实用价值。So the application of this technique is valuable in the diagnosis of jugular vein diseases.

经颈静脉加压注入体外血栓制成急性肺血栓栓塞模型。The APTE model was established by injection of thrombus made in vitro through jugular vein.

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CT与MRI在颈静脉孔区各型肿瘤鉴别诊断中有重要价值。The diagnostic significance of CT and MRI on the jugular foramen area tumors was aiscussed.

原发的颈静脉孔脑膜瘤可以有特征性的脑膜尾征并且没有流空。Primary jugular foramen meningiomas may have a characteristic dural tail and lack flow voids.

目的观察应用百安蒂预防颈内静脉留置管出口部位感染的效果。Objective To observe the effect of POWER-ANTI used at the hemoaccess at internal jugular vein.

颈静脉节和结状节的标记细胞数量比脊神经节的少。Neurons in the jugular ganglia and the nodose ganglia were fewer than those in the spinal ganglia.

本例,脓毒性栓子起源于颈内静脉血栓性静脉炎。In this patient, the septic emboli are arising from a thrombophlebitis of the internal jugular vein.

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结论全麻下经颈外静脉切开插管为安装化疗泵的首选方法。Conclusions Catheter is preferably inserted through the external jugular vein under general anesthesia.

术后病理诊断颈静脉球瘤21例,神经鞘瘤10例。According to pathologic examination, 21 cases were glomus jugular tumors, 10 cranial nerve neurilemmomas.

六个星期以后,所有的小鼠都被开了刀,在颈动脉植入药物注射导管。Six weeks in, all the rats underwent surgery to implant a drug-injection catheter in their jugular veins.