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请给我威士忌和水。Scotch and water, please.

我想要杯加冰块的苏格兰威士忌酒。I'd like a scotch on the rocks.

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我还品尝了苏格兰威士忌。And I tasted Scotch whisky there.

他又要了一杯兑水的苏格兰威士忌。He orders a second Scotch and water.

我要来杯加冰块的苏格兰威士忌。NO00, I'll have a Scotch on the rocks.

我使劲喝下一大口生猛的威士忌酒。I took a savage gulp at the raw Scotch.

这种谣言在事实面前将不攻自破。Facts will eventually scotch these rumours.

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当然。我还品尝了苏格兰威士忌。Of course. And I tasted Scotch whisky there.

斯洛特喝了一匙粘糊糊的苏格兰肉汤。Slote took a spoonful of gummy Scotch broth.

大多数苏格兰威士忌都是勾兑的吗?Are most Scotch whiskies blended or straight?

在座有喝威士忌的吗,没有,当然没有Any Scotch drinkers in here? No, of course not.

我们不接受用透明胶封口的包裹。We dont accept parcels sealed with Scotch tape.

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他向酒吧服务员要了大杯双人份苏格兰威士卡。He ordered a large double scotch from the bar man.

在十分钟里,酒保就卖给了小伙三杯加水威士忌。He sold him three Scotch and waters in ten minutes.

用胶布粘牢余留的挡风玻璃,继续前进。Scotch taped the remaining windscreen and carrying on.

在去那儿的路上,我停下来买了一瓶苏格兰威士忌。On the way there, I stopped and bought a case of scotch.

她在这个岛上带了两周。She spent 2 weeks on the island of Islay sampling Scotch.

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强大的镇压,但这并没有使他们动摇或退缩。The big scotch did't bring on the retreat and agitatedly.

约翰•亚当斯曾称之为“苏格兰小贩的私生子”。John Adams called him the"bastard brat of a Scotch peddler."

好的,Shanise的苏格兰威士忌,我的生啤。Okay, that's one scotch for Shanise and a draft beer for me.