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迪克在楼上沉重的步子搞患上那旧房子直轰动。Dicks heavy footsteps upstairs make the old house vibrate.

振动,它们总能更强烈地振动,更快地平移。Vibrating, they can always vibrate harder, translate faster.

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因此,任何电流都会导致纤维颤动。So any electric current will then cause the fibers to vibrate.

在发浊辅音时,声带要震动。When we pronounce voiced consonants, the vocal chords vibrate.

大海开始振动,波浪一圈一圈的向外发散。The sea began to vibrate with waves that spread out in a circle.

清扫器清扫物料时不会大振幅跳动。The sweeper cannot vibrate in high amplitude when sweeping the stuff.

即使只相差一个原子的分子也会有差别很大的振动。Even molecules that differ by a single atom can vibrate quite differently.

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前一个小时的钟声刚刚停止轰鸣,钟又敲响了。Another struck, before the voice of the previous hour had ceased to vibrate.

如果她唱的声音足够大,玻璃就会震成碎片。And if she sings loudly enough, the glass will vibrate itself to smithereens.

耳朵里有一组细丝能和进入的声波产生共振。The ear has a set of filaments to vibrate in resonance with incoming sound-waves.

关掉你的手机或者把手机调成振动状态以防有紧急事件发生。Turn off your cell phone or put it on vibrate answering only in case of an emergency.

在通过模态试验、振动试验等验证后,该承力筒成功地应用于某卫星上。After the model and vibrate test, the cylinder was used in the satellite successfully.

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直到电压加上去以后,石英晶体才会以某一频率振荡。The quartz crystal does not vibrate at certain frequency until the voltage is applied.

因此,如果驱动频率为60Hz,则金属丝的振动频率将为120Hz。Therefore, if you set the driving frequency at 60 Hz, the wire will vibrate at 120 Hz.

明亮的绿色可以提亮肤色,非常上相。Bright shades of green vibrate onscreen, thanks to their skin tone-enhancing superpowers.

机身采用优质铸铁加工而成,耐磨性、抗震性好。设计合理,操作手感轻盈。The tool made of best quality iron and is durable , vibrate resistance and easy to handle.

好的,如果它在任意时间振动,那它就是驻波。Well, if this thing is going to vibrate for any length of time it better be a standing wave.

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超弦好奇的特点,但是,他们只能在10个方面的震动。The curious feature of superstrings, however, is that they can only vibrate in 10 dimensions.

当这样的材料被安置在一个快速变化的电场中时,它开始颤动。When such a material is placed in a rapidly alternating electric field, it starts to vibrate.

物质的热端分子随着该处湿度的增加而震动的越来越快。Molecules at the hot end of a rod vibrate faster and faster as the temperature there increases.