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和苔藓的曲径。And winding mossy ways.

卷绕张力过大。Higher winding tension.

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自动绕线机“,”Automatic Winding Machine.

这只表需要上弦了。This watch needs winding up.

弯弯的山梁,弯弯的溪水。Winding ridge, winding stream.

自动绕线机“,”Automatic Coil Winding Machine.

看!那个运动员正在做投球前的挥臂动作。Look!That player is winding up.

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他正把车窗摇起来。He is winding up the car window.

我的手表需要每天上弦。My watch needs winding every day.

适用于仪表、手表绕组。Applied for apparatus, watch winding.

你真笨!他们不过是在哄你。Stupid! They are only winding you up.

一缕炊烟袅袅升起。A column of smoke winding into the sky.

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曲桥设有低栏杆,西湖上的九曲桥就属此桥。The winding bridge has low balustrades.

羊肠小道向山下蜿蜒伸展。The winding rail descends the mountain.

飘逸似水,热情如火。Graceful as winding stream, hot as fire.

将纺织古老英国弯曲的褥单。Shall weave Old England's winding Sheet.

为老英格兰织起裹尸布。Shall weave old England's winding sheet.

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这就叫做多边形环绕。This is called the winding of a polygon.

厦门达雍绕线设备有限公司。Xiamen Dayong Winding Machine Co. , Ltd.

蜿蜒小径通向幽僻的地方。A winding path leads to a secluded place.