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双方最后达成一致的金额是30亿卢布。The sum finally agreed upon was Rs 300 crore.

这使美国失业总人数超过一千万。That makes the U. S. unemployment rat more than crore.

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每天三千万的花费用以维持我们的军队在锡亚琴地区开销是可以负担得起的。The over Rs 3 crore it takes per day to sustain our troops in Siachen is not prohibitive.

中国在国防开支上投入更多的同时,印度削减1000亿卢比的国防预算。China is spending more on defense spending while India has cut 10000 crore on defense budget.

军事上只开支8万亿卢比?印度政客一次丑闻涉及的资金就可以比它多。Only 8 Lac crore on military??? Indian Politicians are capable doing more this on a single scam.

“印度涡轮燃气研究院”估计在印度建立这样的设施的投资数十亿卢比。GTRE estimates it will take several hundred crore rupees to create such test facilities in India.

翻译过来就是中国铁路每年在基本建设上投入1.5千万十万卢比。This translates to Rs 1.5lakh crore per year spent on the Chinese Railways for Capital Expenditure.

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希望印度铁路8.5万亿卢比的投资能够改善印度铁路和火车的状况。Hope The Investment of 8.5 lake crore in Indian railways may improve the condition of trains and railways.

它还向印度伙伴发行了相同数量的股份,但是按照票面价值计算,这就意味着他们每股仅支付1卢比。It also issued an equal number of shares to the Indian partner, but at par, which meant they paid only Rs 1 crore.

根据这个报价,印度合资公司向日本烟草国际公司发行了每股1卢比的新股,溢价298卢比,发行的股票总计达29.3亿卢比。Under the offer, the Indian JV issued fresh equity of Re 1 each to JTI at a premium of Rs 298, amounting to Rs 293 crore.

今天是索尼娅甘地这辈子花钱最多的一天,为了发动足够多的人抗议,她非常大方地拿出了数以千万计卢比。Today is the most expensive day for Sonia Gandhi her life in order to mobilize enough agitator she has spent thousand of crore.

一篇报道曾指出,上个财政年度,铁路部门盈利从440亿卢比暴跌至1千万卢比。A newspaper report pointed out that the railway surplus too has dwindled to Rs. 1 crore from over Rs 4,400 crore the last fiscal.

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据消息来源称,日烟国际印度公司已经向日本公司发行了每股1卢比而溢价为298卢比的股份,共计29.3亿卢比。JTI India, sources said, has issued fresh equity of Re 1 each to the Japanese company at a premium Rs 298, amounting to Rs 293 crore.

昨天,该公司投资1.1亿卢比,在中央邦首府印多尔开张了一家95间房的经济型酒店。Yesterday, the firm opened a budget hotel of 95 rooms in Indore, the capital city of Madhya Pradesh with an investment of Rs 11 crore.

她没提只有10亿人懂普通话英语在中国也许是优先语言,但他们也学普通话,就象我们学印地语一样。She didn't mention that only 100 crore people know mandarin. English might be preferred language in china, but they also learn mandarin just like we learn hindi.

除此之外,印度军队损失了25年宝贵的时间,因为故作神秘向国家隐瞒综合导弹项目的垃圾性能以求保留该项目,纳税人将近200亿卢布被浪费掉了。In the bargain, the military lost 25 precious years and the taxpayers' nearly Rs 2,000 crore by keeping the IGMDP programme under wraps to hide its inefficiency from the nation.

国际航空运输协会称,印度位列5个发展最为迅速的市场之一,有着2.75亿新乘客,从疲软的2014年得以反弹,目睹了国内旅客出行频率的强劲增长。The agency says that India is among the five fastest-increasing markets with 27.5 crore new passengers and has bounced back from a subdued 2014, witnessing a strong increase in domestic frequencies.