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你可以滔滔不绝、勃然大怒,或者哀嚎抱怨,怎么样都行。You can gush, fume or whine – anything goes.

烹调油烟气含有200多种有害气体。Cooking oil fume contains more than 200 harmful gases.

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易溶于有机溶剂,易吸湿,在空气中与水蒸汽反应而冒烟。It can easily react with water vapour and fume in air.

通风橱内宜要有水管,水槽。There should be water pipe and water sink in fume hood.

油烟味充斥的小棚里坐满了劳累一天的打工仔。Fume smell filled shed filled with a tiring day laborer.

在实验的最后操作具有控制踏板的烟雾吸气器。Fume aspirator with control pedal to operate at test end.

我国大气污染属于煤烟型污染。Atmospheric pollution in our country belongs to coal fume.

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我只能听到冰箱和排风机发出的白噪声。All I get is the white noise of refrigerators or fume hoods.

通风柜的设计要减少静压损失。Fume hood shall be designed to minimize static pressure loss.

硅灰的掺加能明显改善混凝土界面过渡区的不均匀性。The silica fume can obviously avoid the asymmetry of the ITZ.

汽车所排放的废气严重污染空气。The exhaust fume belched by the car contaminates air seriously.

本发明公开了一种油烟过滤组合网板。The invention discloses an oil fume filtration combination screen.

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本品系选优质烘青银针绿茶,用茉莉花熏制而成。High quality dry tip green tea was chosen to fume with the jasmine.

电除尘器配套电控设备,用于工业烟气的净化。E. S. P Electrical Control equipments, Used to clear industrial fume.

每个常规化学分析室都要有通风橱。Fume hood should be provided in each regular chemical analysis laboratory.

取而代之的是,他们会大喊大叫,用头撞墙或仅仅是生闷气。Instead they will shout, hit their head on the wall or just silently fume.

可用于抽油烟机或排气装置上。The utility model can be used for cooking fume exhausters and exhaust devices.

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高温空气成份几乎不受四通阀切换瞬间发生器内滞留烟气的影响。The air component isn't influenced by the residual fume at the switching moment.

使水与雾状锥体相互作用能极大地减少切割烟尘。The fume can be greatly reduced through the reaction between water and the cone.

硅微粉均匀分布,覆盖在物件表面,具有较强的抗腐蚀性。The silica fume is evenly distributed on the surface with strong erosion resistance.