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最后要隆重推荐的就是这次的亮点!What should recommend ceremoniously finally is this window!

大会将于今年十二月在北京隆重开幕。The meeting will begin the following December in Beijing ceremoniously.

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在婚姻的后半夜,我和丈夫隆重登场。In second half night of marriage, I and husband come on stage ceremoniously.

他们隆重地入主了皇宫,在两个孩子的伴随下公主骑马进入城市。They entered the Palace ceremoniously and Princess rode to the city with her children.

拼音之星最新版本V6.6隆重发布,该版本是免费软件。Pinyin Star ceremoniously released the latest version V6.6, a free version of the software.

1995年5月,一家美国拆除公司用了一吨多的黄色炸药隆重地结束了它的役期。In May 1995, it was ceremoniously blown up by a U.S. demolition firm using over a ton of dynamite.

今天,我们隆重集会,庆祝中华人民共和国成立60周年。Today we congregate here ceremoniously to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the founding of the PRC.

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也许是因为她带着自己的茶包并且郑重其事地为自己和你泡茶。Perhaps it's because she has brought her own tea bags and is ceremoniously preparing her cup—and yours.

这一天的主要仪式是,在月亮升起时举行隆重的篝火点燃仪式。The main ritual on this day centres around a bonfire ceremoniously kindled at the time of the rising moon.

还有一些认定形式,就是在童子军大会上,当着全体童子军及其家长的面给予奖励。Others are to be given ceremoniously at Pack meetings in front of all the Scouts in the unit and their parents.

科发源上海植发中心盛大开幕,开业第一个月植发手术量即达40多台。Kafuring ceremoniously opened its Shanghai centre and the total number of hair surgery was 40 in the first month.

他们充满尊敬地的背着部落的图腾,维持着牛头人文化的荣誉和淳朴。Ceremoniously decked with the ancient totems of their Tribes, Chiefs uphold the honor and simplicity of Tauren culture.

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今年的六月,是中原收获的季节。在这美好日子里,2010世界旅游城市市长论坛在郑州隆重举行。The 2010 International Mayor's Forum on Tourism is being ceremoniously held in Zhengzhou at such a lovely harvest season.

横琴口岸新联检大楼落成典礼8日上午隆重举行。The inauguration ceremony for the new Hengqin Port Joint Inspection Complex Building was ceremoniously held on the morning of December 8th.

杭州香格里拉饭店举行了隆重的仪式,欢迎远道而来的泰国诗琳通公主。Shangri-La hotel, Hangzhou ceremoniously rolled out the red carpet to welcome Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn of Thailand.

第二天晚上,他们两人换上几只巨型单柄大酒杯来到酒馆,隆重地首次使用他们的特制大啤酒杯。The following day in the evening, they two people change on a few giant Chan Bing rummer comes to cafes, use their tailor-made tankard ceremoniously first.

同时,我们酒店管理层及全体员工将上下一心,当竭尽全力尽快改善目前不尽理想之状况,希望能为阁下的下次光临提供更加完善及周到的服务而努力。Meanwhile, our Chain of commands will try our best to amend the unideally situation and ceremoniously setting up, offer you more thoughtful consummate service.

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在桌上铺上垫子,确定所有年幼的小孩子都被妥善照管无虞,慎重地将大釜移到桌中间,确定你有个大汤杓。Place a mat on the table, secure any small children and ceremoniously bring the cauldron to the table and place it in the center. Make sure you have a big ladle.

二是站在餐厅的主厅内,可以看到的那个6米宽的弧形天花需要一个坚固的视觉承重柱,柱的周围排放的是一排排的餐桌和庆典设备。Once inside the main restaurant hall, the second intervention, a dramatic 6m-vaulted ceiling commands a strong visual axis, along which a line of tables are ceremoniously set.

在车身和跟班膝易引起背部和更换了客人的提问时,坐在椅子、而大卫国隆重挟汤蒸出一银瘤胃。Footmen in livery and knee-breeches drew back and replaced the guests'chairs when they sat down, while the major-domo ceremoniously ladled out steaming soup from a silver tureen.