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这是一起人命关天的事。It was a fatality.

客观真理的相反就是致命。Objectivity is the opposite of fatality.

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年龄较轻人群的道路交通死亡率更高。Road traffic fatality rates are higher in younger age groups.

急慢性肝损伤病死率高,其治疗始终是较为棘手的问题。There are high prevalence and fatality rates of MS in AMI patients.

在到达医院的人中,死亡率高得令人震惊。For those who reach hospitals, the fatality rate is alarmingly high.

该新确诊病例为印度尼西亚第17例和第12例死亡。The newly confirmed case is the 17th in Indonesia and the 12th fatality.

所有以上这些措施都能有效降低孕产妇及新生儿病死率。All the above can degrade the case fatality rate of puerperal and neonatus.

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两种疾病都很少见,但都能造成突然疫情,致命性很高。Both diseases are rare, but can cause dramatic outbreaks with high fatality.

另外一起死亡案例是一位刚从德国返回到瑞典的女士。The other fatality was a woman in Sweden who had recently returned from Germany.

我们只能把这些猛烈的冲突归咎于事物的必然性。Let us, then, impute to the fatality of things alone these formidable collisions.

急慢性肝损伤病死率高,其治疗始终是较为棘手的问题。The treatment of liver injury is very difficult, and the case fatality rate is high.

耶稣带走了我们的存在的有限性,赋予我们的生命以永恒的价值。Jesus has taken away the fatality of our existence and given our lives eternal value.

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迄今为止,美国唯一的死亡病例是一个在休斯顿死亡的墨西哥婴儿。The only fatality to date in the U.S. has been the Mexican infant who died in Houston.

病死率在所有年龄组中均高,但是在10至39岁的人中最高。Case fatality was high in all age groups but was highest in persons aged 10 to 39 years.

从这寥寥几句里,那名批判者总结出作者承认无神论者要灭亡。From these words the criticconcludes that the author admits the fatality of the Atheists.

这两种疾病极为罕见,但有引起剧烈暴发的潜力,且病死率很高。Both diseases are rare, but have a capacity to cause dramatic outbreaks with high fatality.

阿拉斯加捕蟹渔民的死亡率是普通工作者的80倍。The fatality rate among Alaskan crab fishers is about 80 times that of your average worker.

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春秋以降,天命陨落,周礼出现严重的合法性危机。During Chunqiu period, Fatality Order declined and Zhou Rite was faced with legitimacy crises.

本年度化学组曾经调查多个导致严重伤亡的火场,嘉利大火是其中之一。It was one of several large multi- fatality fires investigated by the section during the year.

据观察认为,这些菌株可引起更为严重的霍乱疾病,死亡率更高。Observations suggest that these strains cause more severe cholera with higher case fatality rates.