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为什么吖?权力并不会带来善行。Why? Power doesn't confer beneficence.

如果确实如此,这是否隐含著一项慈惠的义务有可能存在?If so, does this imply that there is a duty of beneficence ?

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医学不仅应当求真,而且应当求善。Medicine not only seeks to truth, but also seeks to beneficence.

我绝不为了利益而放弃自由,绝不为了一份嗟来之食而放弃个人尊严。I will not trade freedom for beneficence nor my dignity for a handout.

但是善行原则所起的作用也不总是很分明的。But the role of the principle of beneficence is not always so unambiguous.

这最后的小恩惠略微缓和了些邦哈苦痛的灵魂。The last little act of beneficence soothed Bonhag's lacerated soul a little.

旧时企业对老员工的关怀和忠诚早就烟飞云灭了。The old days of corporate beneficence and loyalty to longtime employees are long gone.

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利他主义这种“仁慈之爱”是维持社会秩序的积极力量。He approved that altruism as "beneficence" is a positive power in maintaining social order.

对此我们没有权力借口一个人的私生活进而剥夺一个人对社会的善举志愿。We have no right to interdict a person does beneficence to society only because of his personal life.

在不涉及任何可执行的制度性规范的情况下,如何回应需要乃是关于慈惠的议题。In absence of enforceable institutional norms, a matter of responding needs is an issue of beneficence.

故众生唱颂梵呗不仅净化自心,同时也获无量胜妙功德。The sentient beings who sing Fanbei will purify their heart and at the same time will have boundless beneficence.

道德的无罪和有利原则可以用以证明践踏自主性的正当性。The ethical principles of non- maleficence and beneficence might be used as justification for overriding her autonomy.

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道德的无罪和有利原则可以用以证明践踏自主性的正当性。The ethical principles of non-maleficence and beneficence might be used as justifications for overriding her autonomy.

中国广告业的荣耀时代不能依赖于恩赐与喊叫,更需要一砖一瓦、点点滴滴的铺垫与累积。The glory of China's advertising can't be built on beneficence and hype but the paving and accumulation from brick to brick.

善行的原则在研究人体实验对象的许多领域都起有明确的作用。The principle of beneficence often occupies a well-defined justifying role in many areas of research involving human subjects.

为什么同志会在争执中得到更多益处,在糟糕的争吵之后又很难补救和更期盼心悸的感觉?Why would gays show more beneficence in arguments, do a worse job ofrepairing after bad fights and find palpitation satisfying?

为什么同志会在争执中得到更多益处,在糟糕的争吵之后又很难补救和更期盼心悸的感觉?Why would gays show more beneficence in arguments, do a worse job of repairing after bad fights and find palpitation satisfying?

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他们善尽父母的职责,将你抚养长大,与你分享他们的财富,并让你成为他们的继承人。That they have brought you up, taught you, shared their wealth with you and made you their heirs is the great beneficence of parents.

如同所有难题,不同情形下对善行原则的执行可导致不同的选择。Here again, as with all hard cases, the different claims covered by the principle of beneficence may come into conflict and force difficult choices.

儒家文化是中国传统文化的核心,儒家德治思想的精华在于“仁”、“惠”、“信”、“义”。Confucian culture is the core of Chinese traditional culture and its quintessence focuses on the virtues of "beneficence", "benefit" , " honesty "and "righteousness".