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这荒谬的情景使他们大笑起来。The ridiculousness of the situation made all of them laugh.

难道只有我看到了这种趋势的荒谬性吗?Am I the only one who sees the ridiculousness of this tendency?

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几乎所有的上世纪70年代的音乐剧都把荒谬带到了新的水平。Pretty much every musical from the '70s took ridiculousness to new levels.

而另外一件事是中国人客气的有些滑稽。Another thing that Chinese people will do is be polite to the point of ridiculousness.

所有的眼睛除了鲍比的是更大的,现在考虑的荒谬的声明。All the eyes except Bobby's are bigger, now, taking in the ridiculousness of the statement.

在这样的现实状况下举办一个纯粹的艺术展览多少带有一点滑稽的色彩。Holding an exhibition of pure art in this context more or less has shadow of ridiculousness.

我的意思是,我们同样都在经受荒谬的每一天,你应该也感到厌倦吧。I mean, we both put up with the same ridiculousness day in and day out—you must be sick of it.

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“什么狗屁规矩,我现在要带他走。”杀痕冷声道。"What complete ridiculousness rules, I want to take him to walk now. "Kill a scar chilly track.

如果我们再不行动,我们将会因为天气的改变而活在一个荒谬的环境之中。It's a metaphor and I think human is also going to live in ridiculousness because of Climate Change if we do not act.

读者们,在你嘲笑这个荒谬的想法,对此不屑一顾前,请停下来,暂且容忍我一下。Before you scoff at the ridiculousness of such a concept and flick on further down your reader just stop. Indulge me for a moment.

滑稽艺术、怪诞艺术包含着优美与奇思妙想,能使人快乐自信,丑艺术扫荡了优美,只有平庸,只会带来痛苦和厌恶。Ridiculousness and grotesque makes people happy and confident with its beauty and fantasy. The art of ugliness sweeps beauty. It only brings pain and detest with sole banality.

我常常对其他人,特别是女孩提出的荒唐话题,感到惊异,同样吃惊的是,还居然会引起热烈的回应。I was constantly amazed at the ridiculous topics raised by other people, especially by other girls, and I was equally amazed by the enthusiastic responses their ridiculousness elicited.

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要具体地指出其错误之处固然需要用到生物医学的专业知识,但是靠生活常识、常理并不难觉察其荒唐。Although it takes specialist knowledge in biological science and medicine to specifically refute his fallacies the ridiculousness of these statements should not escape anyone with some common sense.