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这个,它是一个半音音阶Well, that's a chromatic scale.

除了半音阶口琴,其余的都可以洗。You can water except the chromatic harmonica.

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在音调上升高半音的。Music raised in pitch by one chromatic semitone.

为什么有人喜欢穿彩色内裤?Why does somebody like to wear chromatic briefs ?

齿面接触印痕的检查是用着色法检查。Use chromatic way to check imprints of gear flanks.

无色差,更标准化和规范化。No chromatic aberration , more standardized and standardized.

整篇的作品很少全部用半音音阶构成Entire compositions are rarely written in the chromatic scale.

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在音乐作品中,很少有作品是用半音阶写成的。Entire compositions are rarely written in the chromatic scale.

制卡的呈色道理和不不增法混色差别。Business card printing chromatic principle and add process color.

然后,在顶端,转换到了半音音阶And then he, at the top of it-- switched over into a chromatic scale.

那么您一般需要一个黑暗的颜色,作为一种色锚。Well you generally need a dark color that acts as a chromatic anchor.

这些彩色石雕作品均为一块完整的石材雕刻而成。These chromatic stone carvings are all made from a whole piece of stone.

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从水瓶里发出来的亮光,只是一心在研究颜色的问题。The light from the water-bottle was merely engaged in a chromatic problem.

在需要使用蜡烛的情况下,也不要错过彩色蜡烛。Below the situation that needs use candle, also do not miss chromatic candle.

两把口琴确是很不方便,但是楼主也可以选择半音阶口琴。Yes, it is not convenient. But the top floor could try the chromatic harmonica.

如果没有极小5色平面图能包含某个构形,就说此构形是可约的。A configuration is reducible if no minimal 5 chromatic plane graph can contain it.

稳不退的油不朱质量是把持色不差的关头成不合。Stable envirogluvtm quality is a key factor in the control of chromatic aberration.

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在这期杂志中,我想来探讨测试半音阶口琴的方法。In this issue, I would like to discuss about the methods to test a chromatic harmonica.

得到了花图的邻点可区别全色数。The adjacent vertex distinguishing total chromatic number is obtained for the flower graph.

用一厚的简单会聚透镜很容易观察色差。It's an easy matter to observe chromatic aberrations , with a thick, simple converging lens.