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他是个哥德人。He is a Goth.

哥特金属,嗯,我觉得并非是我们的音乐类型。Goth metal, I think, it is not our style.

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493年,哥特人狄奥多里克成为罗马国王。In 493 Theodoric the Goth became King of Rome.

而巴塞罗那则有歌特建筑的典范圣家堂。And Barcelona are goth architectural example holy family hall.

她也停顿了一下,然后我们为这个小尴尬而微笑。She paused, too, and then we Goth smiled at the little awkwardness.

新哥特音乐流派,比如EBM等,则是他们最无法忍受的东西。New "goth" music genres such as EBM are perhaps their biggest pet peeve.

哥特族群中的人们极其友好,愿意接纳他人。People in the goth scene are extremely friendly and accepting of others.

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但他长得像某些我看过的美籍哥德爱好者。He does look like some Americans I have seen that are part of the Goth scene.

新浪潮接着演变成代表着悲伤、孤独和死亡的歌特音乐。Then New Wave evolved into Goth Music which portrays sadness, loneliness and Death.

其实,那天的事情是因为这对“哥特摇滚”夫妻在“办事儿”——以耶稣的名义。On this day, however, it was just a "goth rock" couple diddling each other. For Jesus.

我最喜爱的十几岁的女儿,因为我在经过狂燥的阶段后有了她。The teenage daughter is my favourite, because I just had her go through this Goth phase.

寻找其他哥特,特别是在他们通常不大会出现的场所,或是在去哥特聚点的路上。Looking for other goths, most often in areas where they are unlikely to be, or on the way to goth venues.

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很可能你会因此获得穿着束身衣,带着小尾巴的超辣靓女的青睐。自此你的晦气将一扫而光。The bonus is that you also get the occasional super hot goth chick in a corset and pigtails. That will brighten your day.

许多哥特族人都在努力克服自己的社交障碍,而哥特群体是一个让他们操练社交技巧的安全氛围。Many goths are overcoming social awkwardness themselves, and the goth scene is a safe haven for them to develop their social skills.

卡特的表演并不让人惊讶,因为她是波顿的妻子而且同样喜爱剪刀手爱德华和一切哥特文化。Carter’s casting surprises no one as she’s engaged to Burton and attached to him by a shared love of Danny Elfman and all things goth.

哥特部以野蛮、凶狠、嗜杀成性而著称,与欧洲黑暗的中世纪有很多相似之处。The Goth tribe was famous for its barbarousness, fierceness and sanguinariness, which was quite similar to the darkness European Middle Age.

古典、精致、优雅的维多利亚哥特,和前卫、毛糙、尖锐的铆钉头似乎是风马牛不相及的两种类型。The antiquated, refined elegance of Victorian Goth and the rough, edgy futurism of Rivetheads may seem a completely incompatible combination.

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狮子鬣毛一样梳向脑后的“脏辫儿”、哥特式苍白的忧郁面孔,再加上高高瘦瘦的身材,这让从事摇滚音乐的大树走到哪里都显得惹眼。Dirty plait combed toward back, white and gloomy face like Goth style, tall and slender body, all above make Big Tree and his rock shinning everywhere.

在这里最棒的事情就是,如果你一整晚都因为害怕或者郁闷独自杵在一边,这样的行为在哥特族的标准里反而会令你看起来更酷。The best part is that even if you spend the whole night scared and sulking in the corner by yourself, that actually makes you pretty cool by goth standards.

类似的,一些超级孔雀的哥特男对其他的哥特女来说具有很高的价值,但是对于大学校园内期待白马王子的MM来说,他们更象是一群怪人。Similarly, some super peacocked goth dude has a lot of value to other goth chicks, but to a college party chick looking for a crazy frat boy, the goth dude is just some lame ass weirdo.