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每一个个案中,询问者都会问观看者,“这可能是什么呢?”In each case, the interlocutor inquires of the viewer, “What might this be?

奥巴马首先顺便拜访了卢拉,他亲切地称之为“拉丁爵士”,一位合作的半球对话者。Obama at first saw in Lula, whom he once amiably called "my man," a useful hemispheric interlocutor.

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奥巴马首先顺便拜访了卢拉,他亲切地称之为“拉丁爵士”,一位合作的半球对话者。Obama at first saw in Lula, whom he once amiably called "my man, " a useful hemispheric interlocutor.

如果你已经跟他有过谈话,那么就用我们的建议来保持你的谈话对象的注意力吧。If you have already got the conversation, use our recommendations to retain the attention of your interlocutor.

仔细选择你的话在一个对话者生产所需的反应是,毕竟,外交的通用语言。Choosing your words carefully to produce the desired response in an interlocutor is, after all, the lingua franca of diplomacy.

如果你勤加练习,同侪评论会让你在读自己的短文上获益无穷,并成为他人作品的良好对话者。If diligently practiced, peer review will make you a better reader of your own essays and a better interlocutor for the work of others.

沟通必须达到最好的效率,并经由一种适合对话者及当时情境的语言,来传达适当的讯息。Communication must take place at an optimal rate of information in a language that is appropriate to the interlocutor and the situation.

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真相总是让人警醒,而与我谈话的两位先生所说的这些很大程度上代表了德国人对当前欧洲政治现实的看法。Clarity is always refreshing, and what my interlocutor had said is very much the German perception of current political reality in Europe.

在介绍别人的时候,体贴地多加一两句话来描述他们的特色,这样一来对方就又多了一些可以聊天的话题。When introducing people add a thoughtful detail or two about each person so that their interlocutor has a conversational kicking-off point.

强烈的自信心——或者叫自大——应该被提醒注意,即使谈话者们对此报以热情,也不应被视为该受到鼓励的事。The supremely confident – or arrogant – should be warned that, even if their interlocutor reciprocates, this may not necessarily be a "come on".

事实上阿拉伯国家已经弱化了语气,支持该联盟是为了将之作为政治过渡期间的代表对话者。In fact the Arab drafters have watered down the language, backing the coalition as simply a representative interlocutor for a political transition.

或许,我们应该接受诸葛亮的建议,摸透中国谈判者的思维,以判断其精神和心理构想。Perhaps we should take to heart Zhuge Liang's advice and enter the mind of our Chinese interlocutor to judge his mental and psychological construct.

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一旦“无声通话”计划顺利实施,Darpa希望能利用这样一套原型设备去阅读脑波并进行翻译,然后将其传输到通话者的思维之中。Once that's done, Darpa wants a pre-prototype device that can read brain waves, translate them, then transmit them to the mind of one's fellow interlocutor.

作为合作处负责人,他是与泰国政府、国际组织和其他外交使团的主要对话者。As Head of Operations, he was the main interlocutor with the Thai Government, international organisations and other diplomatic missions on all cooperation aspects.

如果了解对话者是谈判成功的先决条件,应该说本书在提供平衡与必要的了解方面前进了一大步。If knowing your interlocutor is a prerequisite for successful negotiations, the book should be a big step towards providing a balanced and necessary understanding.

我只会说一点点匈牙利语,但很少有机会练习,当谈话的人发现我是外国人时人们就会转而使用德语或者英语。I speak very poor Hungarian, but barely had a chance to practice it, since as soon as my interlocutor found I was a foreigner they would switch to German or English.

它以它作为基础,甚至是在它被迫将这个大它者,摆置在神性的本质的层次,仅仅为了从询问者那里,得到「我在」的这个「因此」。It is grounded in it, even before it is forced to place this Other at a level of divine essence, in order simply to obtain from the interlocutor the therefore of the I am.

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关联理论观照下的话语理解强调自动理解程序的启动,释话者遵循自动理解程序并形成关于发话者意义的假设,获取足够的语境效果满足其关联期待。Relevance Theory highlights the operation of automatic comprehension procedure by which an interlocutor follows the procedure and forms a hypothesis about a speakers meaning.

今年夏天的峰会上,事实上,很可能会同意富内斯作为中美洲与美国,许多人认为,奥巴马旨在信号上个月对话者默契的地位。This summer's summit, in fact, is likely to endorse Funes' tacit position as Central America's interlocutor with Washington, which many believe Obama meant to signal last month.

巴塔菲拥有俄勒冈大学的博士学位,从2001年9月开始,他成为那些去沙特王国的美国记者和外交官们的临时翻译。He earned a doctoral degree at the University of Oregon and, since September 11, 2001, has become an occasional interlocutor for American journalists and diplomats who visit the kingdom.