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我都能看到你的鸡鸡了!I can see your vagina from here!

只要你不去触碰她的私处。so long as you don't touch her vagina.

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这些分泌物有助于保持女性生殖器健康。This discharge helps keep the vagina healthy.

你的腿也不打蜡为什么要给私处打蜡呢?You don't get your legs waxed so why wax your vagina?

会阴也有弹性但是弹性力不如子宫。The perineum is also elastic but less so than the vagina.

@而人类最短的小妹妹只有一英寸。The smallest human vagina can be right around an inch long.

金沙河、木其河均未采集到螺和蝲蛄。The spiral vagina and crayfish were not found in Jinsha River and Muqi River.

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卷起你的舌头轻之又轻温柔的进入她的洞洞。Curl your tongue into a tube-like shape and insert it into the vagina as gently as you can.

我从来没有认真地打量过它,它也从来也没有引起过我的注意。It had never occurred to me to look at it . My vagina existed for me on some abstract plane.

在这一无痛步骤中,也许会使用注射器好让凝胶更靠近宫颈。In this painless procedure, a syringe is used to place the gel in the vagina close to your cervix.

Yoni是女阴的梵文词汇,可以粗略翻译为“神圣空间”或者“神圣堂殿”。is the Sanskrit word for the vagina that is loosely translated as "sacred space" or "Sacred Temple."

主要是因为皮肤痊愈之前我走路非常滑稽。Mostly because I walked funny for a week until the skin healed. You shouldn’t set fire to your vagina.

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当他的手指离开那一点,而将我刺穿的时候,我感到一股热流点燃我的整个身体。I felt a hot flush over my whole body as his fingers left my clitoris and actually penetrated my vagina.

他出生时未经母亲产门,而是从腹部出世,所以又叫肢体生。若祈祷他,朋友财产俱得。He was not born from her mother's vagina but from the belly. If you pray to him you may attain wealth and friends.

月经杯是一个钟形的障碍,作为一个时期的保护形式,阴到内的磨损。A menstrual cup is a bell shaped barrier which serves as a form of period protection and is worn inside the vagina.

我经常有一种莫名其妙的念头,如果我同人上床,那么那些人将会在进入我的时候窃取我的创作力。I have this weird thing that if I sleep with someone they’re going to take my creativity from me through my vagina.

请好好观察我们的“小弟弟”或“小妹妹”,如此你才能猜到哪些词是指代它们。Also, please refer to our "vagina" and "penis" articles, so you can educate yourself on proper vaginal and penile terms.

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不长期滥用抗生素和化学药物冲洗yindao,以防菌群失调引起霉菌性yindao炎等等。Don't abuse antibiotic and chemical drugs for a long time, in case the vagina washing dysbacteriosis cause mould sex vaginitis, etc.

但是,在极少情况下,某个妇女在生孩子之前对性生活感觉“刚刚好”,而生孩子让子宫变大导致性生活满意度下降。Very occasionally, however, in a woman who was “just right” before, childbirth does stretch the vagina enough that sexual satisfaction decreases.

其中包含75,000,000至900,000,000个精子,这些精子将从子宫通过子宫颈“游进”输卵管与卵细胞相遇。Between 75 and 900 million sperm are in this small amount of semen, and they "swim" up from the vagina through the cervix and uterus to meet the egg in the fallopian tube.