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但酒精注定是他的祸根。But alcohol was to be his undoing.

缺乏力反馈是它的弱点。The lack of tactile feedback is its undoing.

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各金融市场素有抵消经济政令影响的习惯。Markets have a way of undoing economic decrees.

松开通过或仿佛通过解开按扣来松开,解开,或释放。To loosen, unfasten , or free by or as if by undoing snaps.

但是,同样的热情,使他的职业生涯可能将他打倒。But that same ardor that made his career could be his undoing.

充满热情的吻就像蜘蛛网,马上就会让苍蝇死无葬身之地。Passionate kiss like spider's web soon lead to undoing of fly.

如果你在门口看到一排鞋子,就解开自己的鞋带。If you see a row of shoes at the door, start undoing your laces.

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拧开这螺丝就能把平底锅的长柄取下来。You can detach the handle of the saucepan by undoing this screw.

至于埃里克先生,飞碟既是他的热爱的所在,也是他垮台的根源。As for Sir Eric, flying saucers were his passion but also his undoing.

拆蓄水池实际上就是拆除进水管和溢流管的事情。Removing a cistern is simply a case of undoing the inlet and overflow pipes.

民粹主义可能只要纠正当前体制的错误就能成功。The populists could succeed simply by undoing the mistakes of the present regime.

幸福之教是可为性与不可为性、直接之教与间接之教的统一。Hence creating an integration of doing and undoing and of direct and indirect education.

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用简短的描述性词组,准确地告知用户他们正在撤消或重做的是什么。Supply brief descriptive phrases that tell users precisely what they're undoing or redoing.

他们对邻国的肆意欺凌埋下了覆亡的种子,并在未来的冲突中应验。Their bullying of other nations regionally will be a factor in their undoing in a conflict.

“我曾经想要个小子,”埃尼斯边说边解开纽扣,“没想到上天注定是岳父命。”"I used a want a boy for a kid, " said Ennis, undoing buttons, "but just got little girls."

所有这些可能需要撤销在作用域中已完成的操作。All of this might require undoing actions that have already been completed within the scope.

21年前的1995年,亚达维差点通过了考试,就是数学不给力。Yadav almost passed the exam, 21 years ago in 1995, but mathematics proved to be his undoing.

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拉卡塔人难以置信地先进,但其尚武与好战的精神却成了他们灭亡的原因。The Rakata were incredibly advanced, but their warlike and aggressive spirit was their undoing.

他本是给她带来祸根的人,现在却站在了神灵那一边,而她本是受害的人,现在灵魂却还没有得到新生。He who had wrought her undoing was now on the side of the Spirit, while she remained unregenerate.

半开化半复杂和自然的心灵就被这种超人的巨力塑造完成。Half the undoing of the unsophisticated and natural mind is accomplished by forces wholly superhuman.