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现在我吸引力他的注意力。Now I have his attention.

此计划等待着处理。The plan awaits attention.

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吸引了人们的目光。And drew attention to them.

你会千方百计寻求关注吗?Do you plead for attention?

伤口需要护理。The wound craved attention.

克劳斯津津有味地体验着世人的关注。Klaus relishes the attention.

我们希望得到你们的关注。We want you to pay attention.

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科南·奥布莱恩吸引市长的注意力Conan Gets a Mayor's Attention

没人关注这个市场。Nobody paid attention to that.

你拥有我的部分注意力。You have part of my attention.

你需要有人注意你。You need an attention grabber.

马吕斯加倍集中了注意力。Marius redoubled his attention.

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我们的文化崇拜注意力。Our culture worships attention.

注意您的副驾驶员。Pay attention to your co-pilot.

请注意拼写。Pay attention to your spelling.

他们不再怎么专心了。Thay did not pay any attention.

这是我唯一关注的问题。This is my undivided attention.

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引起了比伯的注意。Attracted the attention of Bibb.

那么我们是怎么注意的呢?So how is that we pay attention?

注意你的情绪。Take attention to your emotions.