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让她感到最讨厌的就是他那把山羊胡子。It was his goatee that annoyed her the most.

我注意到他留着山羊胡子,带着一个蓝色的湖人队帽子。I notice he has a goatee and a blue Lakers cap.

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说到这里他停了下来,捋着山羊胡子格格地笑着。He stopped and chuckled as he tugged at his gray goatee.

它的面部还有看起来有点像小胡子的斑纹。He had markings that looked a bit like a mustache and goatee.

阿伯拉汉边说边摸著下巴的一小撮山羊胡子。Do it for me at once, " said Abraham, stroking the goatee on his chin."

主干道上,一个瘦而高、长着山羊胡男子从我旁边溜过。On the main street, a tall, thin man with a goatee beard slid up beside me.

使用微调,轻松地收紧你的胡子,胡子,山羊胡子和领口。Use the trimmer to easily tighten up your beard, mustache, goatee and neckline.

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仔细修剪的山羊胡子也能给柔和的下巴增添正方形感。A carefully trimmed goatee can also infuse an element of squareness to a soft chin.

上了假牌照的车子正停在家门口,我也要去粘上我的山羊胡子了。The car with false license plates is at the door and I've got to glue on my goatee.

塔利班都是些暴君。"The Taliban are oppressors, " said the other elder, Shirjan, who had a wispy goatee.

地理教授阿瑟。科赞斯蓄着白色的山羊胡子,有一种古怪的专业风度。Arthur Cozzens, the geography professor, had a white goatee and a quaint professional manner.

身材矮小、体魄健壮,八字脚,留着山羊胡,还叼着一支雪茄,蹒跚而行就像一只聪明的鸭子。Short, stout, splay-footed, sporting a goatee and a cigar, Wiener waddled around like a smart duck.

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两撇小胡子带出一个凝固的诡异微笑,下面还有一撮略显邪恶的山羊须。And the smile is frozen, set forever, a fixed uncanny moustachioed grin above a devilish goatee beard.

他有着执著于滑雪运动造就的晒得油亮的肤色和椒盐般的山羊胡子,给人一个轻松的、平易近人的氛围。He has the deep tan of a dedicated snowboarder and a salt-and-pepper goatee that gives him a casual, approachable air.

他一袭黑衣,山羊胡子稍显蓬乱,目光好奇而坚定,夺目却又显得十分平易近人。A man dressed in black with a slightly unkempt goatee and eyes curious and clear, Joseph is startling yet approachable.

还有一些不太清楚的原因,这名现在最像东欧人的演员自去年冬天起就一直蓄着小羊胡子。For reasons that are still unclear, one of the hunkiest actors alive decided to sport a never-ending goatee last winter.

在一个小型更衣室,崔健穿着一件不算整洁的短袖体恤,他的山羊胡尤为惹眼,与我一起回归他的职业生涯。In a small changing room, Cui Jian, dressed in shorts and a tatty T-shirt and sporting a goatee beard, reviewed his long career.

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最直观地,他那曾经用以张扬个性的长发现在剪短了,他浓密的胡子现在也只留成山羊胡。Most visibly, his once- famous shaggy locks have been shorn to a tight cut, and his facial hair has been trimmed into a thin goatee.

可以想见,他必定要一手抓住眼镜,另一手护住胡子,探着头去吐。It can be imagined that he’s supposed to spit craning his neck, with one hand grabbing eyeglasses and the other protecting his goatee.

当我们在看隔壁房间里的玩家的时候Pagulayan小声的问.他是一个菲律宾人,长胡子,戴着别致的眼镜.whispers Pagulayan, a compact Filipino man with a long goatee and architect-chic glasses, as we watch the player in the adjacent room.