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米格战机一般搭载1到2人。MiG generally carry 1-2 people.

阀体-阀帽的焊接工艺是采用完全自动化的MIG焊接设备进行的。The body-bonnet welds are made on fully automatic MIG Welders.

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功能包括粘、基本氩弧焊、电弧和助焊剂核心焊接。Capabilities include stick, basic TIG, MIG and flux-core welding.

罗空军累计损失战机28架,其中17架为米格战机。Luo Air Force fighter 28 total losses, including 17 MiG fighters.

加加林在1968年死于一次米格战机试飞事故。Gagarin died in 1968, after crashing a MiG fighter during a training flight.

最后我放下焊管,摘下面具来看雕塑。Finally I set the mig down and pulled up my mask to get a look at the sculpture.

阅兵式上展示了米格-29战机、地空导弹、T-72坦克等。During the military parade, the Mig -29 aircraft, surface-, T-72 tanks were displayed.

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装备精良,能力不足。飞机由老式的前苏制米格和法国幻影式战机组成。Well-equipped but poorly run. Planes are old Soviet MiG and French-built Mirage craft.

我扣动电焊上的扳机一个又一个地往下焊螺母。I pulled the trigger on my mig and beaded a nut down low, and then another and another.

你可以聊天、雅虎和MSN用户可以通过米格其他用户mig33聊天室聊天。You can chat with Yahoo and MSN users through mig and can chat with other users in mig33 chatrooms.

本课题采用CO2气体保护焊对四种焊丝进行铸铁点堆焊试验。In this paper, four kinds of wire have been dot-deposit welded on the surface of cast iron roller by CO2 MIG.

五十年前正当韩战进行得如火如荼,美国F-86军刀机与苏联制的米格15进行对决。Just 50 years ago, the Korean War well underway, U. S. F-86 Sabre and the Soviet-made MiG aircraft 15 to duel.

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这种新闻没啥新鲜的。要是哪次米格飞机成功出击而没摔下来,那么请报道出来。Nothing new about this news. Please publish if there is any Mig successfully completes a sortie without crashing.

MIG填丝焊接过程中,随着填入锡黄铜焊丝速度的加快,锌元素的过渡系数有减小的趋势。In the MIG with filler wire . with the increase of wire feed speed, transition coefficient of Zn trend to decrease.

电弧电压负反馈使焊机获得平外特性输出。The negative feedback of arc voltage makes the MIG welding machine to output constant-voltage external characteristic.

该方法是采用双电源和双电弧共枪体等技术,完成等离子-MIG焊接设备的研制。In this equipment, two power supplies was adopted, and both plasma and MIG arcs were generated by a single welding torch.

利用高速摄像装置拍摄外加纵向磁场作用下的MIG焊接电弧,对电弧形态的变化进行研究。A high-speed video camera was used to acquire MIG welding arc shape with additional longitudinal alternating magnetic field.

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参加竞标这项庞大合同的机型是俄罗斯的米格35、法国的拉法叶、瑞典的“鹰狮”和欧洲战机“台风”。Others competing for the lucrative contract are Russia's MiG 35, France's Rafale, Sweden's Gripen and the Eurofighter Typhoon.

提出采用大功率IGBT设计变极性脉冲MIG焊双逆变弧焊电源。The high-power IGBTs are adopted to design the dual inverter arc-welding power source for variable polarity pulse MIG welding.

布拉莫斯导弹基本是上根据老式的米格引擎设计的,所以用处有限,而且还受制造设施的制约。The Brhmosmissile is essentially designed around the old MiG engines, to find a use for the design and manufacturing facilities.