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目前认为肝移植仍是治愈PSC的惟一选择。Liver transplantation is still the only choice to cure PSC so far.

PSC中错误和缺陷的判定是一项很复杂的工作。It is very complicated to judge errors and defects by means of PSC.

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在体内CAM模型中,PSC上清液能使血管数目增加,管径增粗。PSC media also increased the amount and the caliber of blood vessel in CAM model in vivo.

对关于提高PSC接头上扣可靠性问题提出几点建议。At last, suggestions for improving the makeup reliability of PSC connection are put forward.

三副根据港口国检查官的要求对防火控制图进行了重新张贴。The third officer posted the fire control plan again according to PSC officers' requirements.

第一次会议讨论了“世界中医药学会联合会儿科专业委员会组织管理办法”。The measures of organization and management for PSC of WFCMS were discussed in the first meeting.

以黄疸、乏力、皮肤瘙痒、纳差、肝脾大为主要表现。The majority of PSC patients presented with jaundice, fatigue, pruritus, anorexia, and splenomegaly.

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支柱式,用于在工作台见搬运曲轴箱。PSC type "Partner" manipulators, column mounted, used to move crankcases between various workstations.

在500人普通话水平测试数据库上的测试结果表明,新评测算法能有效提升评测性能。Experiments on 500 persons PSC testing database prove that the new algorithm is much better than the origina.

第一个问题是关于港口国监督中选船方法的改进和选船自动化的实现。The first one is about the improvement of ship-selecting means in the PSC and the realization of auto-selecting.

什么是PSC检查?您在船上经历过吗?如曾经历过,发现了什么缺陷?。What is PSC inspection?Have you had inspection on board the ship?If you have, what deficiency has been checked out?

PSC检查表示港口国检查。我经历过PSC检查但没有被发现出缺陷。PSC inspection stands for Port State Control Inspection. I have the experience of PSC. But no deficiency has been found.

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但目前胰腺星状细胞凋亡的具体机制尚未完全明了,国内尚无相关报道。However, the mechanism of PSCs apoptosis has not been completely clear. The reports related to the apoptosis of PSC are rare.

第二个问题,建立符合港口国监督船舶滞留判定的数学模型,模型运算结果为港口国监督检查官提供判定参考。Data of the recent years. The second is how to provide PSC officer decision-making reference when they are facing the difficulties.

增加肝脏中FOXA2表达的药物或DNA治疗,为原发性硬化性胆管炎或其他类似疾病的治疗提供了新的思路。Drug or DNA therapies that increase the expression of FOXA2 in liver cells may offer a new means of treating PSC and other similar syndromes.

我们致力于设计适用于每个客户的定制焊炬操纵系统,以满足每个环境和应用的具体要求。PSC works with every client to custom-design a Torch Manipulation System that meets the specific requirements for each environment and application.

要完善港口国监督行为,必须消除港口国监督活动的地区不平衡和提高地区间和地区内的合作。The big unbalance of PSC activities should be eliminated and the inter-regional and regional cooperation should be promoted to perfect PSC performance.

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该研究目的是评估胆管镜在PSC患者中鉴别胆管良、恶性重度狭窄的意义。The aim of the present study was to assess the value of cholangioscopy for distinguishing between benign and malignant dominant stenoses in PSC patients.

文章主要介绍基于粗集方法的普通话等级判别专家系统的基本构成、知识表达方式及学习推理方法。The article introduction the distinguishes the expert system that can standard PSC rank based on the Rough Sets, the knowledge expression and the inference method.

区域间港口国监督合作在加强海上安全、保护海洋环境以及实施国际海事组织安全标准方面起到了日益重要的作用。Regional cooperation on PSC plays an increasingly vital role in ensuring marine safety, protecting maritime environment and implementing the safety standars of IMO.