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联系涉外单位。Contact foreign units.

我异域的野玫瑰。My rose of foreign genre.

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对外承包工程。Foreign contracted projects.

我在一家外资企业工作。I'm in a foreign enterprise.

安丘人在外地的有多少啊?Also in foreign Anqiu person?

外宾在管乐声中被迎了进来。Foreign guests were piped in.

它一定是外国货。It must be a foreign produce.

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洋鬼子怎么说?魔鬼荷兰!What do foreign devils speak?

他说话带有很浓的威尔士口音。He had a thick foreign accent.

有多少人死在了异国他乡?How many died on foreign soil?

当时没有外交部长There was no foreign minister.

笑声没有外国口音。Laughter has no foreign accent.

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我们用“洋油”的日子一去不复返了。The days we used "foreign oil".

你是这里的外国住户?Are you a foreign tenement here?

兰波是我最喜欢的外国诗人!He was my favorite foreign poet.

它也不仅仅是外国货币。It is not just foreign currency.

外国口音的男子说话声。Man with foreign accent concurs.

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外贸正处于上升中。The foreign trade is ramping up.

他们讨论过外交事务。They debated on foreign affairs.

外国投资者将会蜂拥沓来。Foreign investors will rush here.