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蜘蛛张着凸出的腹部。The spider has a bulgy abdomen.

近视要怎么样保持眼睛不凸出来?How should myopia hold an eye not bulgy come?

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一个肚子肿胀的病人正躺在床上。A patient was lying on bed and suffering from a bulgy paunch.

盲人用手指摸凸出的点子和线条来阅读。The blind read by touching the bulgy points and lines by fingers.

他的肌肉显然勾画在他的皮肤,但他并没有隆起。His muscles are plainly sketched under his skin, but he isnt bulgy.

腰肩盘凸出手术后初期的注重事项有哪些?Lumbar shoulder dish what does the earlier note after bulgy operation have?

胖大舌多因水湿痰饮阻滞所致。Bulgy tongue is usually caused by retention of water, dampness, phlegm and fluid.

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膨胀的岁月就此到来,北京每天平均有两家网站诞生。Bulgy years comes at this point, beijing has two websites on average to be born everyday.

我不想练出那种凸凸的肌肉,我只是想感觉舒服一点,出点汗,让心脏更加健康。I don't want to have bulgy muscles, I just want to feel good, sweat a lil, get my heart healthy!

她现在穿着衬裙,紧身胸衣绷得紧紧的,给人看到也不在乎。She was in a petticoat now, and corsets which bulged , and unaware of being seen in bulgy corsets.

瓷砖选用了米色,浅色有膨胀的效果,不会显得压抑局促。Ceramic tile chose cream-colored, light color has bulgy effect, won't appear depressive and constraint.

我不想练出那种凸凸的肌肉,我只是想感觉舒服一点,优雅,魅力,出点汗,让心脏更加健康。I don't want to have bulgy muscles, I just want to feel good, elegance, charm sweat a lil, get my heart healthy!

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贝西杰医生只是冲我笑笑,他那极具特色的凸出的眼睛看着前方,手臂仍然悬在半空中。Dr Besigye just smiles back at me, his characteristic bulgy eyes looking straight ahead and his arms still aloft.

然而,近几年农民收入的增幅连续下降,三农问题又显凸出。However, in last few years the amplitude of farmer income drops continuously, 3 farming the problem is shown again bulgy.

标线施工时凸块成型效果优异,所施工标线耐磨性及抗冲击性强,长期使用不掉块、不变形。The bulgy block has the perfect effect when construct. The marking is antifriction and resist concussion, long service life.

第二,人在成功之后心态会不可避免地发生变化,两三年的企业倒在了膨胀的文化下。The 2nd, the person is after the success state of mind produces change inevitably, enterprise of 3 years two was in below bulgy culture.

对于A-A界面,上贝氏体及魏氏组织铁素体优先形核于A晶界外凸的内侧。For the A-A boundary, the upper bainite and Widmanstatten structure nucleate predomi-natly at the inside of bulgy boundaries'of super cooled austenite.

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近乎完美的驾驶位置,破坏只能由奇怪的隆起运动方向盘上的标准GXP但可选的燃气轮机,是指踏板和变速杆秋天容易手。A near-perfect driving position, marred only by the oddly bulgy sports steering wheel standard on the GXP but optional on the GT, means the pedals and gear lever fall readily to hand.

房子的面积还算够大结构也较合理,所以设计的重点就放在,如何利用原结构来凸出简练与随意。The area of the house still considers quite old structure more reasonable also, the key that designs so is put in, how to use original structure to come bulgy and succinct with optional.

将微波消解法与传统的湿法消解法处理膨化食品进行比较,用APDC-DDTC-MIBK体系萃取富集试液中的铅,利用空气-乙炔火焰原子吸收法测定其含量。A comparison was made between microwave digestion and wet digestion methods for the determination of Pb in bulgy food with FAAS. And being concentrated by APDC-DDTC-MIBK system extraction.