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没有船帆座,没有猎户座。No Vela no Orion.

那个是猎户座。That's Orion there.

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我一直很喜欢注视猎户星座。I always like looking at Orion.

奥利安是位身材高大的猎手。Orion Orion was a giant hunter.

猎户飞船将有更多的电能储备。Orion will have more power, too.

因为他们来自昴宿星或猎户座。They came from the Pleiades or Orion.

为什么?因为他们来自昴宿星或猎户座。Why? They came from the Pleiades or Orion.

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猎户座是以一个强大的希腊狩猎者命名的。Orion was named after a mighty Greek hunter.

我目睹战舰在猎户星座的端沿起火燃烧。Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of orion.

2020年,“猎户座”会和“牛郎星”月球着陆装置协同工作。By 2020, Orion will be paired with the lunar lander Altair.

猎户星座里的每一颗星星似乎都因了我的呼吸而颤动。Each star in Orion seemed to tremble and stir with my breath.

NASA计划于2014年进行“猎户号”深空探测器测试飞行。Nasa announces 2014 test flight of its Orion deep space capsule

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事实上,上边那颗星就是猎户座中左侧的一颗星。Actually the star just at the top is the lefthand star in Orion.

不久后,猎户座发出刺耳声响,放掉庞大的防热盾。Before long, Orion is jarred by the release of its large heat shield.

眺望东南方向,你就可以看到猎户星座。Look over to the southeast and you can see the constellation of Orion.

眺望东南方向,你就可以看到猎户星座。Look over to the southeast and you can see the con stellation of Orion.

美丽的猎户座星云和M42就是猎人手中的那把刀。The magnificent Orion Nebula, or M42, is a fuzzy patch in Orion's Sword.

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因此昂宿星和猎户座的造物音调对地球是有毒的。Therefore Pleiadian and Orion tones of creation are poisonous unto earth.

猎户座的迭代是为了打算远行到火星或遥远的小行星。This iteration of Orion is intended for trips to Mars or far-off asteroids.

驾驶“猎户星”号要比航天飞机容易的多。Flying Orion is expected to be much less complicated than flying the shuttle.