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它不仅是结构主义的评判。It's not just a critique of structuralism.

换言之,虽然不只是结构主义。It's not just structuralism in other words.

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这是结构主义评论的必不可少的一部分。This is an essential part of the critique of structuralism.

行为主义对美国结构主义的影响?What is the influence of behaviourism over american structuralism?

但它和结构主义,有一个共同的理论倾向。It shares, however, with structuralism a theoretical predisposition.

结构主义与后结构主义之间是什么关系?What is the relationship between structuralism and post-structuralism?

结构主义和后结构主义认为作者已“死”。Structuralism and post-structuralism advocated that the writer ws dead.

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"零度写作"是法国后结构主义大师罗兰·巴特的著名理论。Degree zero writing is a famous theory by Roland Barthes, French post structuralism leader.

结构主义发展的另一个关键领域就是语言学。Another area of particular importance for the development of structuralism has been that of linguistics.

结构主义是旨在寻求不同学科的综合而成为一种新的信念体系的方法论。Structuralism is a methodology which seeks the unification of all the sciences into a new system of belief.

以建构主义学习理论为指导的情景教学模式是建立在真实问题的基础上。Situational context teaching mode guided by the structuralism learning theory is based on the true problems.

在结构—后结构主义文论中,作家至高无上的地位遭到了颠覆,语言上升为文学研究的主角。Thus, in structuralism and post- structuralism literary theory, language took the center position of writer.

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对于拉美马克思主义者发展出的比结构主义更加激进的依赖理论,他的态度摇摆也不定。He flip-flopped on dependency theory, a more radical version of structuralism developed by Latin American Marxists.

结构主义是人们联合看起来完全不同的或全部对立的方法去思考方法。Structuralism is an approach that unites people with apparently disparate or wholly antithetical methods of thinking.

美国结构主义是共时语言学的一支,但其发展风格与欧洲完全不同。American Structuralism is a branch of synchronic linguistics that developed in a very different style from that of Europe.

互文性理论原是西方文学理论界由结构主义向后结构主义转向过程中提出的一种文本理论。The theory of intertextuality is in fact a kind of text theory rooted in structuralism and post-structuralism in the West.

正如詹姆逊所说,第一层次的这两种危险,是结构主义的危险,和庸俗唯物主义的危险。As Jameson says, these two dangers at the first level are the danger of structuralism and the danger of vulgar materialism.

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可以说,他的结构主义方法是一种朝向促进人类文化统一理解的解释学方法论。His method of structuralism is a methodology of hermeneutics which can promote culture of human to a unified understanding.

哲学、文艺学、心理学仅仅是三个具有代表性的接受了结构主义的学科。Philosophy, literature &art, and psychology are only three representatives of all sciences that had accepted structuralism.

结构主义文论的文本研究取向正好可以弥补我国文学理论批评在文本研究方面的缺失和不足。The tropism of context study in structuralism just makes up the gap existing in the context study in Chinese context study.