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派翠克躲在围绕著羊齿植物的一个凹地里。Patrick hid in a hollow surrounded by bracken.

欧洲蕨在晴朗的秋天正变为暗金色。The bracken was turning to the dusky gold of a fine autumn.

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这里,溪流清澈明净,水草在阳光下闪着金色的波光。Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun.

您可以使用树叶,松针,死草或干蕨菜蕨类植物。You can use leaves, pine needles, dead grass or dry bracken ferns.

烫后的蕨菜要马上用干净的冷水进行漂洗。Hot immediately after the bracken to the cold water with a clean, rinse.

蕨菜和德马雷斯特从来没有比这更好的大胆战时的闹剧。Bracken and Demarest have never been better than in this daring wartime farce.

布拉肯在星期五的新闻会议中说,北约的攻击是正当的。Bracken said at a Friday news conference that the NATO strikes were justified.

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“哎呀,小姑娘,快起来吧,”天使说着,把安娜丝玛从沟里拉出来。"Up you get, young lady, " said the angel, hauling Anathema out of the bracken.

因为世界各地都有欧洲蕨,所以要实施生物控制,有很大的选择范围。Because bracken occurs throughout the world, there is plenty of scope for this approach.

其他没受过多少教育的女士和她们的男朋友们拥抱着打滚,把欧洲蕨全压倒了。Other ladies, less educated, roll down the bracken in the arms of their gentlemen friends.

近年来科学研究表明蕨菜还具有一定的抗癌功效。Bracken also indicate that scientific research in recent years has certain anti-cancer effect.

现在树木比刚才浓密了,更多的空地里长着蕨菜。The trees were thicker now than they had yet been and in the more open spaces there was bracken.

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星期五那天,比贝和布莱肯一起到大象埃里克的家里,帮他制作十字面包。One Friday, Beebie and Bracken went to Eric the Elephant's house to help him make hot cross buns.

裘诺斯•布雷肯从她身上滚了下来,伸手去抓剑鞘,结果只抓到了金属的剑刃。Jonos Bracken rolled off her, grabbed for his scabbard, and came up with naked steel in hand, cursing.

他不等布雷肯爵士回答,就轻轻的用他的金马刺碰了碰“荣誉”,小跑着离去。He did not wait for Lord Bracken to reply but touched Honor lightly with his golden spurs and trotted off.

鹊,我迷失在穷乡僻壤,被一群没有名字的男孩在蕨类丛生中捉住。Magpie, I Am Lost Among The Hinterland, Caught Among The Bracken And The Fern And The Boys Who Have No Name.

裘诺斯•布雷肯在城堡周围最多只有五百人,而且詹姆没看见攻击塔楼、投石机和弓弩。At best Jonos Bracken had five hundred men about the castle. Jaime saw no siege towers, no battering rams, no catapults.

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介绍了蕨菜的营养价值和用途,并重点阐述了蕨菜的加工技术和人工引栽技术。The nutritional value and use of bracken were introduced, and the processing and artificial plant technology were also expounded.

例如说,许多农民仍然享有“必需品”的权利——采割欧洲蕨用作牲畜的草垫和其他用途的权利。For example, many rural tenants still have the right of "estovers" the right to cut bracken as bedding for livestock and other uses.

经济作物有花椒、柿子、柑橘、雪梨、苹果、桃、杏、樱桃、石榴、纹党、大黄及蕨菜。Economic crops are pepper, persimmon, citrus, Sydney, apples, peaches, apricots, cherries, pomegranates, stria party, rhubarb and bracken.