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他说,县是想放在一起一特警队的时间。She gave him a swat on the head.

蝙蝠纳特用力拍小昆虫马特。The bat Nat swat at the gnat Matt.

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为何诺亚不将蚊子/曱甴拒于方舟外?Why didn't Noah swat those two mosquitoes?

相反,马尼拉当地的一支特警队被投入救援行动。Instead, a local Manila police Swat team was used.

不应挂起或拍打地毡及垫子,以免产生悬浮微粒。Do not hang up and swat carpets or rugsmats as this will create aerosols.

许多警察局还维持两个或更多的特警队,轮流待命。Many departments also maintain two or more SWAT teams that rotate on-call.

他们和警方特种部队快速冲入了房间里,试图救回亚历克西斯的性命。They storm the room with the SWAT team, and try to prevent Alexis from dying.

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忽然,一队警方特种部队冲入了房间,逮捕了弗兰克和他的密友。Suddenly a SWAT team bursts through the doors and arrests Frank and his cronies.

来自各个地区的18支特警队参加了此次演习。Eighteen SWAT police teams from all over Chinatook part in the drill on Thursday.

还说来自城市的特种战术队的狙击手已经分布在大楼的外面。It said sharpshooters from the city's SWAT team were poised outside the building.

穆沙拉夫派兵进入斯瓦特地区,并对马哈苏德的藏身之处进行了轰炸。Mr Musharraf sent the army into Swat and bombed Mr Mehsud’s hideouts in Waziristan.

我杀你那几个叔叔和你的爷爷,像你杀苍蝇一样,没问题!I killed your uncles and grandfather as easily as you swat flies. No problem at all!

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在斯瓦特河谷冲突中,他们被巴基斯塔士兵俘虏了。But during the conflict in the Swat Valley, they were captured by Pakistani soldiers.

学校的特警们并没有给格罗佛任何医疗帮助。The SWAT officers at the school failed to provide Glover with any medical assistance.

塔利班极端分子对斯瓦特山谷地区的控制已有三年多。The Swat Valley was under the control of Taliban extremists for more than three years.

对斯瓦特地区武装分子的战斗比巴基斯坦的任何别的地方都更具破坏性。The campaign of the Swat militants has been the most destructive anywhere in Pakistan.

这些种子的数量相当于斯瓦特山谷流离失所的人数。The number of these seeds is equal to the number of displaced people from Swat Valley.

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经历了警方几个小时的谈判,特警小组突进房屋击毙歹徒。Police say after hours of negotiation, SWAT team stormed the house and killed the gunman.

片中有开往边界的高速飞车追逐、联邦干员、特警队与直升机。There's a high-speed race to the border. There are FBI agents, SWAT teams and helicopters.

Khan说,仅在Swat,这次洪灾已经摧毁了14600栋房屋及22所学校。In Swat alone, the floods have destroyed more than 14,600 houses and 22 schools, said Khan.