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女童军是谦恭的。Girl Scout is courteous.

她总是很谦恭有礼。She was always courteous.

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女童军是谦恭的。A Girl Scout is courteous.

它的问候是谦恭仰或粗鲁?Will it greeting be courteous or rough?

女主人应该待客殷鸹。A hostess should be courteous to her guests.

我发现饭店员工特别谦恭有礼。I find the hotel staff particularly courteous.

做一名有礼貌的司机,允许别人可以超车。Be a courteous driver. Let people merge in front of you.

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当我穿越时,我向尊敬的司机们挥手回礼。As I crossed, I waved to the courteous drivers in gratitude.

自古以来中国人就以谦谦有礼的形象而闻名于世。Since ancient times, Chinese were courteous image of modesty.

我真盼望王先生对他的佣人客气些。I wish Mr. Wang would be more courteous toward his house maid.

表示欢迎,尊敬或礼貌认可的行为或姿式。An act or a gesture of welcome, honor, or courteous recognition.

尽管他并不愿意我去拜访,但还是彬彬有礼。And despite not really wanting me there, Fuld was very courteous.

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如果你去一家餐馆,对男招待或女招待要有礼貌。If you go to a restaurant, be courteous to the waiter or waitress.

我是个在校大学生,性格开朗,礼貌上进。I was in college students, character, cheerful, courteous progress.

到目前为止双方的关系虽然紧张但还是有礼貌的。So far, relations between the two sides are strained but courteous.

人物都向前倾斜,过分谦卑地鞠着躬。The figures Jean forward in an excessively polite and courteous bow.

当然,奥巴马在他去年的加纳之行上十分谦恭有礼。Certainly, Obama was courteous enough in his trip last year to Ghana.

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对人尊敬,有礼貌,虚心接受教导与批评。Attitude Courteous and show respect to others. Able to accept criticism.

刘备尊敬人才、有礼貌表现在哪些地方?Liu Bei reveres talented person , which place courteous behaviour is in?

安全耐用,质量可靠,服务周到,信誉第一。Safe, durable, reliable, courteous service, the credibility of the first.