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雪枭。Snow owls.

他放走了白雪。He let Snow go.

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冰雪聪明。Ice snow clever.

遥知不雪。Yao is not snow.

雪是冷的。The snow is cold.

B是的,我讨厌雪。BYes, I hate snow.

雪花白。Snow Flower White.

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狐狸,小鸟和雪。Fox, bird and snow.

看来好像要下雪了。It looks like snow.

雪是忠厚的。The snow is honest.

周围是六呎厚的雪。In six feet of snow.

初雪之夜。Night of first snow.

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雪已积到十尺深。Snow four feet deep.

又是大雪纷飞的日子。Is a heavy snow days.

雪豹桌面。Snow Leopard desktop.

你喜欢雪吗兔兔?Do you like snow Tutu?

多白的雪呀!How white the snow is!

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雪覆盖了山丘。Snow mantled the hill.

雪化成水。Snow melts into water.

雪停了。The snow had given up.