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而根除疟疾运动则未做到这一点。The campaign to eradicate malaria did not.

这些害虫,除治起来很困难。These pests are very difficult to eradicate.

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我们要想根绝肿瘤,是不可能的。We want to eradicate the tumor is impossible.

我们不会减慢为根除脊灰作出的努力。We are not slowing down efforts to eradicate polio.

其中最重要的是根除脊髓灰质炎的运动。Foremost among these is the drive to eradicate polio.

这副药可以消除你的流火。This dose of medicine will eradicate your erysipelas.

如果你彻底消除这个记忆,这个教训还会存在吗?If you eradicate the memory, will the lesson still remain?

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我们一定要杜绝考试作弊的歪风邪气。We must eradicate the unhealthy tendency of cheating in exams.

现在这种坏现象已经是蔓草难除了。The bad phenomenon is engrained, and will be hard to eradicate.

在我们根除脊髓灰质炎的努力中,我们已达到一个临界点。We have reached a critical point in our drive to eradicate polio.

以色列人必须根除偶像崇拜,它们会污染这片土地。The Israelites have to eradicate that, they're polluting the land.

这样一来就消除了通常称作吃“大锅饭”的局面。This helps eradicate the practice of eating from the same big pot.

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为什么只有富人还能根除遗传疾病?Why should only rich people be able to eradicate genetic diseases?

所有这些都不能彻底根除犯罪行为、间谍活动和网络空间的战争。None of this will eradicate crime, espionage or wars in cyberspace.

在东南亚地区,目标是到2012年根除雅司病。In the south-east Asia region, the aim is to eradicate yaws by 2012.

这一减少是全球努力消灭该疾病的结果。The reduction is the result of the global effort to eradicate the disease.

而英国和盖茨基金则合力希望能够彻底消除脊髓骨质炎。And the UK and Gates Foundation joined forces in a push to eradicate polio.

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病例数的减少是全球努力根除该病的结果。This reduction is the result of the global effort to eradicate the disease.

一旦一种想法盘亘脑海,便难以消除。Once an idea has taken hold of the brain it's almost impossible to eradicate.

近来,中国政府正着力根除这些滥用短信的行为。Recently the government has been stepping up efforts to eradicate such abuses.