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他们坐在场边。They sat courtside.

一个票贩子卖给我们的票正好靠近球场的边缘。A scalper sold us tickets for seats right at near the courtside.

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热刺队中场球员加雷斯·贝尔也在场边观战。Spurs midfielder Gareth Bale was also courtside to take in the action.

在台球和乒乓球比赛的周边场地规定禁止使用闪光灯拍照。Snooker and table tennis courtside behaviour includes a ban on flash photography.

成为这其中的一部分并不便宜,特别是那些在场边的座位。Being part of that scene is not cheap. Especially for those in the courtside seats.

在周三晚的这场比赛中,休斯顿的阿泰斯特出现在场边,这是他在本次系列赛的第二次露面。Houston's Ron Artest made his second appearance of the series, sitting courtside for Wednesday's game.

之后,他投了六在场上慢跑时,他看起来场边耸了耸肩。After the sixth three-pointer, he jogged down the court shrugging as he looked courtside. air jordan shoes online.

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我们边场见。我会在边场告诉你谁会获胜。穿黑球衣的那队会赢,所以我会成为最有价值球员。Meet me at the courtside. Courtside I'll tell you the winning team. The black team's gonna win, so I'll be the MVP.

四名男子因违反公共秩序法案在球场边缘被捕,警方目前正在对该事件进行调查。Police have also been looking into the incident after four men were arrested at the courtside under the Public Order Act.

我们可能看到他的唯一地方就是湖人队比赛的球场边缘区,或者在公园里,他正满足地和他的孩子一起散步。The only palce any of us is liable to see him is courtside at a Lakers game, or walking his baby in the park, contentedly.

另外,场边还有22个摄像头备用。“贴身拍摄”的效果导这部电影将是科比杜鲁门表演的纪录片。That was in addition to the 22 courtside cameras already in place. And by "follow", this project was Bryant's own Truman Show.

最后几秒钟,科比跟场边估计没在祝贺他出色表现的火箭球迷有些不甚友好的对话。In the final seconds, Bryant talked animatedly with courtside Rockets fans who presumably weren't congratulating him on his game.

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它提供了所有的访问通过独家采访,幕后的行动方案和难忘的NBA总决赛场边的看法。It provides an all-access pass to exclusive interviews, behind-the-scenes action and an unforgettable courtside view of the NBA Finals.

这位官员DVD提供了所有访问通过独家采访,幕后的行动方案和难忘的NBA总决赛场边的看法。This official DVD provides an all-access pass to exclusive interviews, behind-the-scenes action and an unforgettable courtside view of the NBA Finals.

当他的儿子在丰田中心球场与力量体能教练阿尼.Kander练投篮时,麦蒂坐在场边回答着记者的问题。So while his son played with strength and conditioning coach Arnie Kander nearby on the Toyota Center floor, McGrady sat courtside and answered questions.

两天内的第二次,第二盘的后半段,富有经验的老球员在场边接受医疗治疗的时候,19岁的Stephens只是安静地坐在场边的椅子上。For the second time in two days, 19-year-old Stephens sat patiently in a courtside chair late in the second set while an experienced, older player took a medical timeout.

休斯顿火箭队给包括湖人球员教练和所有球迷展示了自己的防守,给那些赛前片面的认为湖人将毫无悬念取得胜利的人们一记强有力的回击。The Houston Rockets brought their defense and showed it to the Lakers' players, coaches, courtside fans and anyone else tuning in expecting to see a one-sided Lakers victory.

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最近总统奥巴马和吃惊不已的球迷们一起坐在Verizon中心的球场边上,在一场芝加哥公牛队败北于华盛顿奇才队的比赛中,他为芝加哥公牛队喝彩。There was Mr. Obama sitting courtside recently alongside astonished fans at the Verizon Center as he cheered on the Chicago Bulls in a losing battle against the Washington Wizards.

而比那投篮更令人吃惊的是,老实说,魔术师约翰逊如此之快的从座位上跳起庆祝这个进球。An even more physically astounding feat than the shot, frankly, was how quickly hefty Magic Johnson had his offensive lineman 's girth up out of his courtside seat to celebrate Bryant's shot.

世界排名仅有328的曾先生去年十月在上海大师赛赛场边接受采访时曾抱怨道,“中国男子选手在高水平赛事中没有太多参与机会”。He is only 328th on the world rankings, and complained in a courtside interview at the Shanghai Masters last October that “Chinese men don’t have many opportunities to play in high-level competition.”