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派生词缀可以是前缀也可以是后缀。Derivational affixes can be prefixes or suffixes.

派生词缀可加在已存在的形式词上形成的一个新词,原来存在的形式词被称为词干。A stem is the existing form to which a derivational affix can be added.

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所给屈折词缀的用法的形态学规则是哪些?What are the morphological rules that govern the use of the given derivational affixes?

词缀是一种附加语素,表示词汇意义。可分为前缀、。Derivational affix modifies the word lexically which can be divided into prefix, infix and suffix.

民间文学艺术表达不同于民间文学艺术作品和民间文艺衍生作品。Expression of folklore and art is different from works of folklore and art and its derivational works.

衍生金融工具作为规避风险的有效工具深受金融市场交易者的青睐。Derivational financial instrument is deemed to effective tool for eluding risks by trader in financial market.

对于“提升理论”而言,该理论同样缺乏令人信服的触发句法操作合理进行的机制。As for the Promotion Theory, there is also no triggering mechanism for the derivational processes in this theory.

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作者通过分析测试者的词缀知识的习得情况,揭示了导致产生失误的原因可能。According to the analysis errors of derivational affixes in the texts, the author point out the possible causes that lead to errors.

本文运用对比分析的方法,在英语和朝鲜语后缀派生词的语类变异、语义变异等方面进行研究。This paper makes various contrastive analyses between English and Korean, mainly the parts of speech change and semantic change function of derivational suffix.

派生语素附着于其它语素可派生出新词。英语中派生词和合成词都是由这样的语素构成的。Derivational morphemes are used to derive new words when they are added to another morpheme. In English derivatives and compounds are all formed by such morphemes.

第六部分讨论了保证业务理论框架下的保证业务概念体系,并分别介绍了其中的核心概念和派生概念。The sixth part introduces the Conceptual Systems of assurance service as a part of the theoretical frame, and displays the core concepts and some derivational concepts.

着重阐述了全纳教育课程产生的背景、全纳教育课程概念和课程结构等。Chapter one introduced the fundamental theories about inclusive education curriculum, consisting of the derivational backgrounds, the curriculum concepts and structures.

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本文根据鄂温克语派生词尾所包含的可变元音音位类型,分为六种类型,并具体讨论属于各种类型形态语音变化派生词尾的分类形式及条件。The paper classifies the variable vowel phonetic types included in Ewenki derivational suffixes into six kinds, and discusses the classification form and condition to each type.

本文详细讨论了几种主要衍生金融工具及其在风险管理中的应用,阐述了我国发展衍生金融工具的方向。Several derivational financial instruments and its application in risk management are discussed, and how to develop derivational financial instruments in our financial market is studied.

HPSG正是以表层为导向、严格约束的,因而将其用于语义歧义的分析具有很强的解释力。HPSG is "a non- derivational , constraint-based, surface oriented grammatical architecture", and its accountability for scope ambiguity is more powerful than any other derivational grammars.

以最小二乘法为基础,着重阐述了无网格伽辽金法的基本原理及其控制方程的推导过程,对其中的一些重要问题进行了分析。Based on the Moving Least Squares method, this paper describes the basic principle of EFGM and the derivational process of EFGM control equation. Some important aspects of EFGM are also analyzed.

本文将政策供给的目的、对象和策略放置在具有逻辑一致性的经济理论体系中加以分析。On the basis of the Neoclassic Economics and its derivational disciplines, this paper analyzes the purposes, targets and strategies of policy supply within logically unanimous theoretical system.