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狮子追猎斑马。Lions hunt zebra.

斑马疾驰飞奔远离狮子。The zebra galloped away from the lion.

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斑马看见一头狮子,压力迫使它逃跑。Zebra sees a lion, stress makes her run.

狮子杀食斑马,由阿利斯泰尔斯沃茨。Lion on a zebra kill, by Alistair Swartz.

所有车辆都要在斑马线前停下。All car should stop at the zebra crossing.

狮子咬断了那头斑马的脖子。The neck of the zebra was nipped by a lion.

大多数情况下,杂交时雄性通常是公的斑马。In most cases, the sire is a zebra stallion.

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斑胸草雀是一种来自澳洲的小型鸣禽。The zebra finch is a tiny Australian songbird.

当我到了斑马线前时,绿灯了。When I got to the zebra crossing, traffic light.

车辆快到斑马线时要减速。Reduce your speed as you get to the zebra crossing.

可是如果那匹马突然长出了斑马的条纹呢?But what if your horse suddenly grows zebra stripes?

汽车须在斑马线前停下来让路予行人。Cars have to yield to pedestrians at zebra crossings.

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斑纹草雀被笼养在世界各地。Zebra finches are widely domesticated around the world.

斑驴是南非草原斑马的一个亚种。The Quagga was a southern subspecies of the Plains Zebra.

斑马,斑马,背上有条纹。一种是白色,一种是黑色。Zebra zebra, stripes on back. One is white, one is black.

斑驴是一种极美丽的斑马变种。The quagga was a strikingly beautiful variant of the zebra.

乔伊的父亲叫史丹皮,而史丹皮是斑仔的兄弟。Joy's father is Stumpy , and Stumpy is the brother of Zebra.

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好吧,想象你是一只正被狮子捕猎的斑马。Well, imagine youare a zebra about to be attacked by a lion.

斑马在被狮子抓住时,发出了凄厉的叫声。The zebra squeaked out shrill cries as it was caught by a lion.

斑马羚羊在吃草,狗熊大象瞎胡闹。Zebra antelope eat the grass, bear the elephant blind mischief.