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他还建议手下'要用汽油弹'。He suggests they use some type of firebomb.

在一次燃烧弹袭击中有五家店铺被烧毁。Five shops were damaged in a firebomb blitz.

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我们向敌人发起了反攻。To launch an attack against a target, using a firebomb.

你可以让火焰骷髅技能打击到多个目标。You can take a firebomb skill make it bounce to hit multiple targets.

此外,当天上午,一枚燃烧弹摧毁了属于另一个研究员的汽车。Also that morning, a firebomb destroyed a car belonging to another researcher.

几处难民营受到极右翼分子的燃烧弹攻击而熊熊燃烧起来。Several refugee hostels have gone up during firebomb attacks by right-wing extremists.

军方公布了巴勒斯坦青年使用弹弓以及向军队扔掷燃烧弹的照片。It released photos of Palestinian youths using slingshots and throwing a firebomb at troops.

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防爆警察正从美国大使馆外面的燃烧弹火焰中冲出来。Riot police officers ran from the flames of a firebomb outside the American Embassy in Athens during the demonstration.

在西欧,吉普赛移民在意大利遭燃烧弹袭击,在北爱尔兰首府贝尔法斯特惨遭屠杀,在希腊则被强令遣返。In western Europe Roma migrants have faced firebomb attacks in Italy, pogroms in Belfast and forcible evictions in Greece.

在南部城市里昂,有人星期二晚上向一处地铁站投掷了燃烧弹,有关官员随后被迫关闭了整条地铁系统。In the southern city of Lyon, officials were forced to shut down the entire subway system after a firebomb exploded in one station late Tuesday.

这就像是说盟军不应该起诉纳粹因为他们自己使用炸弹进攻并且扔了原子弹。That would be like saying that the Allies shouldn't have prosecuted the Nazis because they themselves firebomb Dresden and dropped atomic bombs.

其中一人与他的家人在周六一早被迫从二层窗户逃离,这时一枚燃烧弹在他家的门廊被点燃,圣塔克鲁兹的警方说。One of them and his family were forced to escape from a second-story window early Saturday when a firebomb was lit on the home's porch, Santa Cruz police said.

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因为在火炸弹爆炸时,一个着着火的人形轮廓在上空短暂的出现,所以这个符咒不仅仅是由可染物质组成的,它似乎包括了一些火灵魂。The spell seems to involve some sort of fire spirit, not just a flammable substance, since a flaming figure is briefly visible overhead when the firebomb bursts.