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他一生孤独的为摆脱恐惧的自由而战,并且最终获得了自由!All his life he fought to free himself from fear solitarily and he made it!

大牛,丹顶鹤在繁殖的时候啊是要独居的。Daniel, during the breeding season, the red-crested cranes live solitarily.

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我徘徊在十字街口,看着影子孤独的行走!I paced up and down on the crossroad, seeing my shadow walking solitarily !

静处一隅人们可以放松享受,但孤独又是人性不可接受的。Living solitarily makes people relax, but loneliness is unacceptable by human nature.

在一个远离你的地方,孤独地在渴望中挣扎,直到时间的尽头。In a place that far from you, solitarily longing for tangling up till the end of time.

爱就是虽然你把小狗孤零零地丢在家里一整天,它照样舔你。Love is although you stay puppy solitarily in the home one whole day, it as usual licks you.

曹孟德观沧海所临之碣石在海边孤峭地立着,深黄色的冷峻。The tablet stone where Cao Mengde approached when he watched the sea, stood there solitarily by the sea, with a deep yellow coldness.

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目光延伸远方,飘渺如同虚无,把你幻化成寂寞的影子,寂寥而冗长,而在影子里我孤单的依旧把自己迷失,没了方向。Casting my eyes where seemingly flows nothing afar, I imagine you into a lonely and long shadow in which I lose myself and direction solitarily.

光延伸远方,飘渺如同虚无,把你幻化成寂寞的影子,寂寥而冗长,而在影子里我孤单的依旧把自己迷失,没了方向。Casting my eyes where seemingly flows nothing afar, I imagine you into a lonely and long shadow in which I lose myself and direction solitarily.

和其他冠军全家出动不同,祖籍贵州的邹市明昨天只身一人来到现场。Sends out differently with other champion entire family, ancestral home Guizhou's Zou Shiming a person arrived at the scene solitarily yesterday.

于是在爸爸毫不知情的情况下只身来到广州,可惜身无分文,只好在街头流浪。Therefore knows nothing in daddy in the situation comes to Guangzhou solitarily , what a pity the stony broke, has to roam about in the street corner.

当有时很晚放学,朋友们都被父母接走时,她只能寂寞地徒步走回家,伴着星星为母亲祈祷。When her friends were picked up by their parents after school ended late at night, she would solitarily walk home, talking to stars and praying to her mother.

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生活方式的改变,生活节奏的加快,独居人口的增多,导致人们对“方便”需求的不断增长。With the change of life style, the speeding up of life pace, and the increase of solitarily living population in modern society, the demand for "convenience" is increasing.

由于13岁就只身一人到济南踢球,刘金东坦言职业生涯这么多年以来,他最对不起的人就是父母。Because plays soccer a 13 year old of solitarily person to Jinan, Liu Jindong spoke frankly since professional profession these many years, he most has sorry the human is parents.

只能冷暖自知,再自知,再自知,自知到灵魂的深处去孑然独立,在这漫长的路途中一直跑下去,跑向无谓的投奔。Can only know without being told, knows oneself again, knows oneself again, knows oneself goes solitarily to the soul deep place independent, has run in this long journey, runs to senseless going.