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因为两者是谐音,时下往往混淆。Because there is homophonic , now often confused.

五个福娃名字的谐音加起来正是北京欢迎你!The homophonic of five FUMA name add exactly. Peking is welcome you!

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五个福娃名字的谐音加起来正是“北京欢迎您”。The homophonic of five FU WA name add exactly" Peking is welcome you".

这是一种建立在原始“同音异义”关系上的研究方法。This is a kind of research method based upon the primitive"homophonic"relations.

绶带挽结的“结”与“吉”谐音,代表着吉祥如意。The ribbons knot together is homophonic to auspicious which means "everything goes well".

时下,谐音译在商标翻译中成为一种时髦。At present, homophonic transliteration has become a fashion in the translation of trademarks.

鸾鸟所衔绶带的“绶”字和长寿的“寿”字谐音。The character ribbon held in phoenix's mouth is homophonic to character longevity in Chinese.

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谐音习俗是因语音相谐而形成的民俗事象,其产生是建立在语音的基础上。Homophonic customs are a kind of customs about harmonic voice, which are built upon phonetics.

多甜美啊,好,这就是甜美的主音织体,大多数只是和弦,谢谢,琳达How sweet it is. Okay So that's sweet-sounding homophonic texture, mostly just chords. Thanks, Lynda.

在这个问题上,同为商品名称的使用同音字的企业接受记者采访。On this issue, an interview with reporters for the use of trade names homophonic word of an enterprise.

汉语语音和语义之间的关系有多种,“音同义通”只是其中的一种。Homophonic synonymy" is one of the varied relationships between sound and sense in the Chinese language."

浙江温州一带称这种月饼“三锦”,按当地方言的谐音就是“杀紧”。Zhejiang wenzhou area called the "three cakes, according to local dialect kam" homophonic is "kill tight".

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巴赫的音乐改革在广度和深度上探究了巴洛克和声和复调音乐形式的限制。Bach's musical innovations plumbed the depths and the outer limits of the Barorque homophonic an polyphonic forms.

柳州方言的谐音趣难词除假用动物名外,另一类型是其他的各种虚假用字。In addition to the euphonic and homophonic words of animals, there are also false words of some other kinds in Liuzhou dialect.

本文探讨了头韵、语音变格、文字游戏、谐音双关等音韵修辞的翻译方法。This paper probes into the translation of those figures of sound such as alliteration, metaplasm, word play, homophonic pun, etc.

现在我们来演示主音织体,我们希望你唱旋律,而我们大家来唱下面的声部We're going to exemplify homophonic texture here and we want you to sing the melody and we'll try to do the parts underneath of it.

同时,谐音习俗的研究,有助于对汉语史的研究,特别是对语音的发展演变史的研究。At the same time, the research of homophonic customs will help to study Chinese history, especially the history of the evolution of voice.

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如果正确使用谐音,不仅会提高企业的知名度,而且还带来了资金大量商业利润。If the homophonic properly used, it will not only enhance the visibility of businesses, but also bring a lot of money for business profits.

在英汉语言的众多构词法中,谐音构词法起到不可替代的奇妙的作用并得到了越来越多人们的喜爱。Among all kinds of word-buildings, the homophonic one is popular with many people, which has wonderful effect on the vogue Chinese and English.

本作品取材于四季猴,猴与好在南方话中谐音,即“四季好运”的意识。The films were works year-round monkey, the monkey with the good news is homophonic words of the South, namely, Four Seasons Luck consciousness.